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23 packages found
Google hangout Appender for log4js-node
Connect Botkit or BotBuilder to Google Hangouts
Google hangout Appender for log4js-node
Unofficial helper package to quickly build Google Chat v2 Cards for Google Chat API and webhooks.
A customisable bot that replies on hangouts based on the configuration.
google hangouts client library for nodejs
google hangouts client library for nodejs
Node.js wrapper for Google's Hangouts Chat REST API
Connect Botkit or BotBuilder to Google Hangouts
Hubot adapter for Google Hangouts
Node-RED node to connect to google hangouts
Simple Library to openHangouts in reactnative app.
This is a Matrix bridge for Google Hangouts. It logs in as (aka "puppets") both your matrix user and your hangouts user to establish the bridge. For more information, see:
Adds 'hangout me' command to start a Google Hangout
The simplest of simple nodes with hangouts-chat