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19 packages found
A Torchbox-flavoured template pack for django-crispy-forms, adapted from crispy-forms-gds
Official design system from Gryt!
Greensight Design System
Validate dates entered using the GOVUK date input
Reusable GA4 package for GDS One Login
Reusable language toggle for GDS One Login
Gov UK design system formio templates
A Stylelint configuration for the UK Government Digital Service.
Reusable language toggle for GDS One Login
Form validation with GDS error templates, works with Govuk Prototype Kit
Gov UK design system formio templates
Control GDS task list states for prototypes and other nodejs apps
Functions and classes that help use GDS easier
This is a test library for adding GDS components to reactive forms
Decentralized Permissionless Travel Booking Engine
GOV.UK inspired components for Angular (2+)
A webpack loader for the gds-parser.