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Css Star Rating is pure css component written in scss.
- Rating
- Stars
- Star Rating
- Star-Rating
- Starrating
- 5-Star Rating
- Icon
- Iconfont
- Fonticons
- Fontawesome
- Ionicons
- CSS3
- Pure CSS
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Responsive, mobile first Flexbox Grid
A free, beautiful and modern Vue.js UI kit based on the Shards UI kit.
- Shards
- Shards UI Kit
- Bootstrap
- Bootstrap 4
- Bootstrap Vue
- Web
- Components
- Directives
- UI Kit
- Free
- Vue
- VueJS
- Vue2
- WebComponents
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Yet another CSS framework — versatile, well documented.
Flex component for Nitro UI.
Sailor CSS is a small and customizable layout-focused CSS library. It includes a powerful spacing system, CSS grid and Flexbox utility classes and some useful extras.
- Grid
- CSS grid
- Flexbox
- CSS custom properties
- Spacing
- Utility
- Framework
- Framework alternative
- Layout
- Minimalist
- Small
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nly adminlte3 components
- Bootstrap
- adminlte3
- adminlte3 for Vue
- Web
- Components
- Directives
- Accessibility
- Polymer
- Vue
- VueJS
- Vue2
- WebComponents
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Tidy UI layout group components includes Border, Container, Divider, Flexbox, Grid, Stack
- react
- styled-components
- css-in-js
- react-ui
- components
- ui
- ui-components
- layout
- Border
- Container
- Divider
- Flexbox
- Grid
- Stack
A Modern CSS framework that incorporates grid and flex box
Modulist is the SCSS framework that powers any front-end design
A free, beautiful and modern Vue.js 3 UI kit based on the Shards UI kit.
- Shards
- Shards UI Kit
- Bootstrap
- Bootstrap 4
- Bootstrap Vue
- Web
- Components
- Directives
- UI Kit
- Free
- Vue
- VueJS
- Vue2
- WebComponents
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LitElement Flexbox Classes and Literals for use in styles.js files
A minimal flexbox grid system named after a cute dog with no dependencies!
LitElement Flexbox Classes and Literals for use in styles.js files
Custom version of bootstrap-vue created for providing specific theme to a particular project
- Custom Bootstrap
- Custom Bootstrap v4
- Custom Bootstrap for Vue
- Web
- Components
- Directives
- Accessibility
- a11y
- Polymer
- Vue
- VueJS
- Vue2
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Flexbox and helpers styles
A React Responsive Layout Library based on flexbox.
Build a CSS Framework From Scratch!
nly adminlte3 components
- Bootstrap
- adminlte3
- adminlte3 for Vue
- Web
- Components
- Directives
- Accessibility
- Polymer
- Vue
- VueJS
- Vue2
- WebComponents
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Small Flexbox CSS framework