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41 packages found
A simple package that retrieves the path of the most known browsers (if installed), no matter the OS
Connect to a Firefox simulator
Find installed Firefox OS simulators
Start a Firefox OS simulator
Connect to a Firefox simulator
Launch an app on a Firefox runtime
Uninstall an app from a Firefox runtime
Install an app to a Firefox runtime
Forward local ports to remote debugging interfaces on connected Firefox OS devices
Reload CSS on an app running on a Firefox runtime
Find ports where debuggable runtimes are listening
Push an app to a client, uninstalling first if need be
Find attached FirefoxOS devices using ADB
A Minimal Package to Generate unlimited user agents
- user-agents
- nodejs
- javaScript
- user
- agent
- changer
- unique
- random
- unlimited
- agents
- generator
- chrome
- firefox
- safari
- View more
Create profiles for firefox/b2g desktop
Generate favicon.ico and icons for iOS, Android, Windows and Firefox (OS)
marionette-js-runner host for device
Generate favicon.ico and icons for iOS, Android, Windows 8 and Firefox (OS). This build works better on Windows.
Generate favicon.ico and icons for iOS, Android, Windows, Firefox (OS) and Progressive Web Applications (PWA), without peer dependancy errors on install
grab firefox package URLs