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22 packages found
[![Epics-React library CI](](
TypeScript realization of EPICS Channel Acceess Client Protocol
EPICS Portable Channel Access Server for Node.js
EPICS Channel Access client for Node.js
Modular state manager for microapps
Functor based redux side effects
Create a promise from a redux store and a list of expected actions that will resolve in the future
- redux
- redux-actions
- redux-saga
- redux-store
- typescript
- typesafe
- typesafe-actions
- react
- promise
- actions
- epics
- component
- rxjs
- promise-action
- View more
Form validation module for stapp - modular state manager
RxJS tools for Stapp - modular state manager
Base form module for stapp - modular state manager
Select module for stapp - modular state manager
Loaders module for stapp - modular state manager
React hook-based bindings for stapp - modular state manager
Redux-Observable epics for nteract apps
An interface to communicate with API
EPICS pvAccess client for Node.js
redux boilerplate generator for reducers and actions and many more via templates for @ngrx or redux based projects!
- @ngrx
- @ngrx/store
- @ngrx/effects
- @ngrx/enttites
- @ngrx/selectors
- redux
- reselect
- redux-observable
- selectors
- effects
- epics
- boilerplate
- generator
- yeoman
Persistence module for stapp - module state manager
React bindings for stapp - modular state manager
Epics without redux-observable