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Spring Boot + Angular/React/Vue in one handy generator
- yeoman-generator
- Java
- Spring
- Spring Boot
- Spring Security
- Hibernate
- React
- Angular
- Vue
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Webpack
- Docker
CLI tool for CapRover. See for more details.
Comunica SPARQL endpoint hook handler for JBR
This is a proof of concept to see if we can replicate Amazon API Gateway using docker images to run lambda
Spring Boot + Angular/React in one handy generator
- yeoman-generator
- Java
- Spring
- Spring Boot
- Spring Security
- Hibernate
- React
- Angular
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Webpack
- Docker
Spring Boot + Angular/React/Vue in one handy generator
- yeoman-generator
- Java
- Spring
- Spring Boot
- Spring Security
- Hibernate
- React
- Angular
- Vue
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Webpack
- Docker
A smart development environment designed to easily install and neatly manage web applications. Gorilla JS frees you from the repetitive daily tasks like apps installation, database management, creation of virtual environment, server configuration… And it
The Nx Payload plugin adds support for Payload applications within an Nx workspace.
work with Dockerfiles from
MAGDA Docker Utilities
This is a proof of concept to see if we can replicate Amazon API Gateway using docker images to run lambda
Update an ECS service with a new Docker image
Extract the minimal dependency definition files needed to build Docker image, also compatible with monorepo.
This adapter integrates with system Docker
Spring Boot + Angular/React/Vue in one handy generator
- yeoman-generator
- Java
- Spring
- Spring Boot
- Spring Security
- Hibernate
- Mybatis-Plus
- Diboot
- React
- Angular
- Vue
- Vben Admin
- Vite
- View more
CLI tool for live-reloading and/or exporting PlantUML diagrams using the default PlantUML server or a local Docker server.
supervisor-controlled image for useful-wind
A image to run FreeSwitch with a tough-rate LCR engine.
Create dynamic Docker Compose files using Node.js
Environment variables on docker with Vue and React