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Angular 12 and 13 library for interacting with the v4 Resgrid api
API mapper for different services
React-reex is a lightweight global state management solution for React and React-native. It depends on React and doesn't just use context-aware API and based on useState hook
- state
- getter
- action
- mutation
- commit
- dispatch
- react
- react-native
- reex
- event
- store
- react-reex
- reactjs
- redux
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Using Proxy API to auto dispatch React.useState
Universal action dispatcher for JavaScript apps
Using Proxy API to auto construct new State for Redux Reducer
React Context + useReducer = Hooks version of Redux. This library is intended to be a light weight stand-in for Redux.js built on top of reacts Hooks API.
A small implementation of react-redux using the Context API
Get hooked on simple subscribe-and-publish in ReactJS.
- pubsub
- recoil
- react state management
- redux
- subscribe
- publish
- react hooks
- context api
- prop passing hell
- dispatch
A simple utility function to create stores with context api in react
Helper to create redux namespaced action creators & reducers with minimal boilerplate. Easily use promise based services (API calls, for example) from the actions. V2 broadcast program API.
core business logic for OT API
A package of action creator functions and reducers that deal with the state management of REST-like APIs for you... all you need is a URL!