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35 packages found
React rich text editor based on tiptap
Tetrisly Theme Editor is a tool that allows you to create and customize themes for your Tetrisly applications. It is a part of the [Tetrisly]( ecosystem, which is a design system and a set of tools for building modern web application
Cron editor for Ant Vue
UCloud design token editor
Design Atoms is a part of Customer's Canvas SDK which allows for manipulating individual design elements through your code.
- customer's canvas
- web-to-print
- image manipulation
- design
- personalization
- web-to-print editor
- design editor
Design Atoms is a part of Customer's Canvas SDK which allows for manipulating individual design elements through your code.
- customer's canvas
- web-to-print
- image manipulation
- design
- personalization
- web-to-print editor
- design editor
A platform which allows building print product personalization editors based on Aurigma's Customer's Canvas.
An enterprise-class UI design language and React components implementation
A simple editor where you can plug your design system and you can use the editor to put the elements together to make a beautiful and quick design work.
Based on Vue3 plugin, poster-design-mobile
- customer's canvas
- web-to-print
- image manipulation
- design
- personalization
- web-to-print editor
- design editor
- 稿定设计开放平台对接SDK。
Cron editor for Ant4 Vue
一个好用的 QuillEditor 框架。Nice Editor
design React component
A node.js application to visually editing HTML documents and Web applications projects
Unlayer2be is a library which can be used to convert BEE email design to Unlayer email design, or Html to Unlayer design