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Geodata of Canada for z1p module.
Collect data on CAN bus for Viessmann E3 devices, e.g. Vitocal, Vitocharge, Energy Meters E380CA and E3100CB
JavaScript interface for communicating with Panda devices.
Bindings for SocketCAN
A simple can-bus communication system based on socketCAN.
Cipher with aes-cmac and compute MAC for CAN/Eth frames and SHE cmd args
A real-time client application for node-m2m framework.
utility functions for handling CAN data from panda
A library for interfacing with CAN bus networks
Library for interfacing with the CANable adapter over serial interface.
tools to create elements for a canvas
Bindings for SocketCAN
A Node.js library for GS_USB devices, supporting CANtact, CANable, and CANalyze adapters. Optimized for seamless MacOS CAN Bus communication.