Search results
19 packages found
Updated by reinstall.js on 2018-06-11T15:19:56.688Z
automate your life - platform
automate your life - platform
Node-RED Nodes for the Homematic CCU
HomeMatic binary RPC protocol - xmlrpc_bin://
A pure JavaScript XML-RPC client and server.
automate your life - platform
HomeMatic binary RPC protocol - xmlrpc_bin://
Node-RED Nodes for the Homematic CCU
Interface between Homematic and MQTT
automate your life - platfom
Universal Homematic RPC interface module
Updated by reinstall.js on 2018-06-11T15:19:56.688Z
Pluggable homematic bridge
automate your life - platfom
automate your life - platfom
Homematic-Wired Dimmer mit Homematic-RF Fernbedienung steuern
Updated by reinstall.js on 2018-06-11T15:19:56.688Z
Interface for HM-CFG-USB2 & HM-CFG-LAN as well as an implementation for the BidCos protocol