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124 packages found
Transforms BeagleBone to mass storage device
MCP3002/4/8, MCP3202/4/8 and MCP3304 SPI analog to digital conversion
I2C Driver for the BME280 humidity, pressure and temperature sensor
GPIO access and interrupt detection with Node.js
A set of node-red nodes for using Johnny-Five and IO plugins (fork)
- gpio
- node-red-contrib-gpio
- io
- firmata
- node-red
- johnny-five
- johnny5
- mqtt
- raspberry pi
- arduino
- galileo
- edison
- beaglebone
- bluetooth
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I2C serial bus access with Node.js
GPIO access and interrupt detection with Node.js
A Node.js I2C module for the LTR 559 Light and Proximity Sensor.
A package to communicate with VEML chipset through I2C
SPI serial bus access with Node.js
Hitachi HD44780 LCD driver
MCP3002/4/8, MCP3202/4/8 and MCP3304 SPI analog to digital conversion
MCP9808 I2C temperature sensor
I2C Driver for the BME280 humidity, pressure and temperature sensor
A daemon, designed to run on single-board/development-board computers, that regularly polls your continuous integration server and reports build status through GPIO connected devices.
HTS221 I2C humidity and temperature sensor
Interface for the Lite-on LTR559 light and proximity sensor
PCA9685 I2C 16-channel PWM/servo driver module
Cylon Robot Discovery
GPIO access and interrupt detection with Node.js