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38 packages found
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A simple CLI to obtain a GitHub App Installation Access Token
Develop Apps Script Projects locally
A client-side utility class that can call server-side Google Apps Script functions
JavaScript Canvas Framework - Code Creativity!<br>
- ZIMjs
- Canvas
- Components
- Controls
- Conveniences
- CreateJS
- EaselJS
- Generative Art
- Data Visualization
- Shaders
- Games
- Puzzles
- InfoActives
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Webpack Dev Server fork for
Utility library to easily and quickly develop Crowdin App
Sample Corodva application (Android + iOS) to illustrate test automation
Google Apps Script Webpack Dev Server fork
Pownage guaranteed
Compiles latte projects
A client-side utility class that can call server-side Google Apps Script functions
Google Apps Script and SheetsAPIv4 wrappers in TypeScript
Develop Apps Script Projects locally
Collection of Grunt tasks to build and release projects built on top of Echo SDK
A CLI for automated templates
A simple CLI interface to GitHub Deployments API
Smatter is a tool for creating robust Web Applications
NativeScript module to handle the list of installed apps on a device.
Check platform for Google Apps Script
Pown Apps