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545 packages found
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Use the Windows.ApplicationModel UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- FullTrustProcessLauncher
- StartupTask
- AppDisplayInfo
- AppInfo
- SuspendingEventArgs
- LeavingBackgroundEventArgs
- EnteredBackgroundEventArgs
- ISuspendingDeferral
- SuspendingDeferral
- ISuspendingOperation
- SuspendingOperation
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Use the Windows.ApplicationModel.AppService UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel.AppService
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- AppService
- AppServiceRequest
- AppServiceDeferral
- AppServiceResponse
- AppServiceConnection
- AppServiceRequestReceivedEventArgs
- AppServiceClosedEventArgs
- AppServiceTriggerDetails
- AppServiceCatalog
- AppServiceClosedStatus
- AppServiceConnectionStatus
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Use the Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentsProvider UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentsProvider
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- Appointments
- AppointmentsProvider
- AppointmentsProviderLaunchActionVerbs
- AddAppointmentOperation
- ReplaceAppointmentOperation
- RemoveAppointmentOperation
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.DataProvider UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.DataProvider
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- DataProvider
- EmailDataProviderConnection
- EmailDataProviderTriggerDetails
- EmailMailboxCreateFolderRequest
- EmailMailboxCreateFolderRequestEventArgs
- EmailMailboxDeleteFolderRequest
- EmailMailboxDeleteFolderRequestEventArgs
- EmailMailboxDownloadAttachmentRequest
- EmailMailboxDownloadAttachmentRequestEventArgs
- EmailMailboxDownloadMessageRequest
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Use the Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.Core UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.Core
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- Resources
- Core
- NamedResource
- ResourceCandidate
- ResourceCandidateVectorView
- ResourceContext
- ResourceContextLanguagesVectorView
- ResourceManager
- ResourceMap
- ResourceMapIterator
- ResourceMapMapView
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Use the Windows.ApplicationModel.Search UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel.Search
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- Search
- SearchPaneVisibilityChangedEventArgs
- ISearchPaneQueryChangedEventArgs
- SearchPaneQueryChangedEventArgs
- SearchPaneQuerySubmittedEventArgs
- SearchPaneResultSuggestionChosenEventArgs
- SearchPaneSuggestionsRequestDeferral
- SearchPaneSuggestionsRequest
- SearchPaneSuggestionsRequestedEventArgs
- SearchPane
- SearchPaneQueryLinguisticDetails
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Use the Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.Core UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.Core
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- Resources
- Core
- ResourceMap
- ResourceContext
- NamedResource
- ResourceManager
- ResourceQualifier
- ResourceCandidate
- ResourceMapIterator
- ResourceMapMapView
- ResourceMapMapViewIterator
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Use the Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.Core UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.Core
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- Resources
- Core
- NamedResource
- ResourceCandidate
- ResourceCandidateVectorView
- ResourceContext
- ResourceContextLanguagesVectorView
- ResourceManager
- ResourceMap
- ResourceMapIterator
- ResourceMapMapView
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Use the Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.Core UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.Core
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- Resources
- Core
- NamedResource
- ResourceCandidate
- ResourceCandidateVectorView
- ResourceContext
- ResourceContextLanguagesVectorView
- ResourceManager
- ResourceMap
- ResourceMapIterator
- ResourceMapMapView
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Use the Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.DataProvider UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.DataProvider
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- DataProvider
- EmailDataProviderConnection
- EmailMailboxSyncManagerSyncRequestEventArgs
- EmailMailboxDownloadMessageRequestEventArgs
- EmailMailboxDownloadAttachmentRequestEventArgs
- EmailMailboxCreateFolderRequestEventArgs
- EmailMailboxDeleteFolderRequestEventArgs
- EmailMailboxEmptyFolderRequestEventArgs
- EmailMailboxMoveFolderRequestEventArgs
- EmailMailboxUpdateMeetingResponseRequestEventArgs
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Use the Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- DataTransfer
- Clipboard
- ClipboardContentOptions
- ClipboardHistoryChangedEventArgs
- ClipboardHistoryItem
- ClipboardHistoryItemsResult
- DataPackage
- DataPackagePropertySet
- DataPackagePropertySetView
- DataPackageView
- DataProviderDeferral
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Use the Windows.ApplicationModel.Background UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel.Background
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- Background
- AlarmApplicationManager
- BackgroundExecutionManager
- IBackgroundTaskInstance
- BackgroundTaskRegistration
- BackgroundTaskDeferral
- BackgroundTaskProgressEventArgs
- BackgroundTaskCompletedEventArgs
- IBackgroundTaskInstance2
- IBackgroundTask
- IBackgroundTaskRegistration
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Use the Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- Contacts
- AggregateContactManager
- Contact
- ContactAddress
- ContactAnnotation
- ContactAnnotationList
- ContactAnnotationStore
- ContactBatch
- ContactCardDelayedDataLoader
- ContactCardOptions
- ContactChange
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Use the Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentsProvider UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentsProvider
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- Appointments
- AppointmentsProvider
- AppointmentsProviderLaunchActionVerbs
- AddAppointmentOperation
- ReplaceAppointmentOperation
- RemoveAppointmentOperation
- NodeRT
- WinRT
- Microsoft
Use the Windows.ApplicationModel.Chat UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel.Chat
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- Chat
- ChatMessageTransportConfiguration
- ChatMessage
- ChatMessageChange
- ChatMessageChangeReader
- ChatMessageAttachment
- ChatConversationThreadingInfo
- ChatRecipientDeliveryInfo
- ChatMessageChangeTracker
- ChatMessageReader
- ChatMessageValidationResult
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Use the Windows.ApplicationModel UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- AppDisplayInfo
- AppInfo
- AppInstallerInfo
- AppInstance
- CameraApplicationManager
- DesignMode
- EnteredBackgroundEventArgs
- FullTrustProcessLauncher
- IAppInfoStatics
- IEnteredBackgroundEventArgs
- ILeavingBackgroundEventArgs
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Use the Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.Core UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.Core
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- Resources
- Core
- NamedResource
- ResourceCandidate
- ResourceCandidateVectorView
- ResourceContext
- ResourceContextLanguagesVectorView
- ResourceManager
- ResourceMap
- ResourceMapIterator
- ResourceMapMapView
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Use the Windows.ApplicationModel.Wallet UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel.Wallet
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- Wallet
- WalletBarcode
- WalletTransaction
- WalletRelevantLocation
- WalletItemCustomProperty
- WalletVerb
- WalletItem
- WalletItemStore
- WalletManager
- WalletActionKind
- WalletBarcodeSymbology
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Use the Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.DragDrop.Core UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.DragDrop.Core
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- DataTransfer
- DragDrop
- Core
- CoreDragDropManager
- CoreDragInfo
- CoreDragOperation
- CoreDragUIOverride
- CoreDropOperationTargetRequestedEventArgs
- ICoreDropOperationTarget
- CoreDragUIContentMode
- NodeRT
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Use the Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.Preview UWP API directly from Node.js
- Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.Preview
- Windows
- ApplicationModel
- Store
- Preview
- StorePreviewSkuInfo
- StorePreviewPurchaseResults
- StorePreviewProductInfo
- StoreHardwareManufacturerInfo
- StorePreview
- StoreConfiguration
- WebAuthenticationCoreManagerHelper
- StorePreviewProductPurchaseStatus
- StoreSystemFeature
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