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A grunt task to create LessCSS @import statements from a collection of stylesheet files
This module provides a simple globbing functionality for sass files like the ruby gem sass-globbing. It reads a file from a defined directory and creates a new sass file with all `@import` statements.
A grunt module which supports sass globbing.
Plug-in for importing local & remote stylesheets with PostCSS
A utility to hashed less files, return only changed files
[]( # gulp-systemjs-resolver [ for Yarn PnP projects that want to resolve `@import` or `@use` statements from packages external to the current one.
Change links of related with external stylesheet into @import CSS at-rule
Determine the import inheritance hierarchy of LESS files.
A grunt task to create sass/scss @import statements from a collection of stylesheet files
Decomposer is a Gulp plugin that provides @import path resolver for Bower.
Simple utility which recursively finds all the files which are @import-ed by a LESS file.
less plugin for enhance @import rule