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GSAP is a framework-agnostic JavaScript animation library that turns developers into animation superheroes. Build high-performance animations that work in **every** major browser. Animate CSS, SVG, canvas, React, Vue, WebGL, colors, strings, motion paths,
- GreenSock
- animation
- MotionPathPlugin
- motion
- motionPath
- matchMedia
- easing
- ScrollTrigger
- ScrollSmoother
- Observer
- JavaScript
- PixiPlugin
- CustomEase
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ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript: A complete 2D and 3D mapping and data visualization API
ArcGIS Map Components
Tag cloud/Wordle presentation on 2D canvas or HTML
A set of React components that wrap ArcGIS map components
A set of React components that wrap ArcGIS coding components
2D graphic library
ArcGIS command line tool to create new web GIS projects and applications
Maker.js, a Microsoft Garage project, is a JavaScript library for creating and sharing modular line drawings for CNC and laser cutters.
Trial version of GSAP that includes all bonus plugins which are normally available exclusively to Club GSAP members. *** DO NOT DEPLOY THESE FILES *** They only work locally or on domains like,, and I
- trial
- GreenSock
- animation
- MotionPathPlugin
- matchMedia
- motion
- motionPath
- ScrollTrigger
- ScrollSmoother
- Observer
- easing
- JavaScript
- PixiPlugin
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A 2D constrained Delaunay triangulation library
AwayJS scene classes
Spatially deterministic noise generators
Think of GSAP as the Swiss Army Knife of animation. It animates anything JavaScript can touch (CSS properties, canvas library objects, SVG, generic objects, whatever) and solves countless browser inconsistencies, all with blazing speed (up to 20x faster t
- animation
- TweenLite
- TweenMax
- TimelineLite
- TimelineMax
- GreenSock
- easing
- EasePack
- PixiPlugin
- CustomEase
- jQuery
- jquery.gsap.js
- Bezier
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Phaser3 plugin for grid based movement on a 2D game board.
The 2D geometry engine of the parametrix
AwayJS graphics classes
@meta2d/core: Powerful, Beautiful, Simple, Open - Web-Based 2D At Its Best .
Spritely: Image correction and cleanup for 2D video game sprites
Global class definitions for the AS3 language