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28 packages found
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A Cordova plugin for showing a progress indicator based on Paldom/SpinnerDialog
- cordova
- spinner
- dialog
- spinnerdialog
- progress
- indicator
- native
- progressindicator
- plugin
- notification
- ecosystem:cordova
- cordova-android
- cordova-browser
- cordova-ios
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Angular 2+ alternative notifications center
- angular
- angular 2
- angular 4
- angular 5
- angular 6
- angular 7
- angular 8
- angular 9
- angular 10
- angular 11
- angular 12
- angular 13
- angular 14
- angular 15
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An Angular alternative sidebar component.
- angular
- angular 2
- angular 4
- angular 5
- angular 6
- angular 7
- angular 8
- angular 9
- angular 10
- angular 11
- angular 12
- angular 13
- angular 14
- angular 15
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Angular 2+ notifications center
- angular
- angular 2
- angular 4
- angular 5
- angular 6
- angular 7
- angular 8
- angular 9
- angular 10
- angular 11
- angular 12
- angular 13
- ng
- ng2
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Cordova iOS 10 Simple Notification - Add simple local notifications to your iOS 10 application.
Ipfix flow deserializer in Node.JS api thingy for node
Fast, lexicographic base62 encode and decode
- base62
- alphabetical
- lex
- lexico
- lexicographic
- lexicographical
- order
- sort
- fast
- efficient
- performance
- perf
- encode
- decode
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Angular 2+ notifications center
- angular
- angular 2
- angular 4
- angular 5
- angular 6
- angular 7
- angular 8
- angular 9
- Angular2
- Angular4
- Angular5
- Angular6
- Angular7
- Angular8
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From Base 10 to Base 1 < x < 11
A Cordova plugin for showing a progress indicator based on Paldom/SpinnerDialog
- cordova
- spinner
- dialog
- spinnerdialog
- progress
- indicator
- progressindicator
- plugin
- notification
- ecosystem:cordova
- cordova-android
- cordova-ios
- cordova-wp8
- cordova-windows
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Scan, connect, and disconnect wifi network in Windows 10.
Simple compression by means of high numerical bases.
Particulate Matter 10 Sensor Device device for bodhi node red
Displays password strength using angular 10.
Generate a temporary email address(Email Generator,temp mail,fake email) for free to protect your privacy. Use our temporary email service to securely receive verification emails and temporary messages, protecting your email address from spam and advertis
Use the Maybe monady to parse a base-10 integer
10 minute mail api
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