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11 packages found
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Scaffold modern frontend web apps or web pages with a static site generator, Grunt and/or Gulp, Sass and Bower. Use modern frameworks like Bourbon, Bootstrap or Foundation and structure your JavaScript with ES Harmony support.
- yeoman-generator
- app
- assemble
- mangony
- veams
- react
- jquery
- veams-query
- veams-components
- veams-generator
- websites
- homepage
- webpack
- web apps
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A collection of strongly-typed LogosUI libraries to kick-start your app
- web apps
- boilerplate
- ui kit
- state manager
- observer
- event emitter
- localization
- localStorage
- sessionStorage
- app storage
- utilities
- fetch
- axios
- xhr requests
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Use Let's Encrypt and other RFC 8555 providers natively and securely on Azure
- acme
- azure
- cert
- certificate
- greenlock
- http-01
- key vault
- keyvault
- lets encrypt
- letsencrypt
- pki
- rfc8555
- rfc 8555
- ssl
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A client library to power your applications with Cloudways API
Verve Nexus - A dynamic client-side web framework for streamlined data handling, interactive rendering, and user-focused web applications.
- verve
- verve nexus
- web framework
- frontend
- web apps
- ui
- library
- javascript
- typescript
- ui library
- framework
- ui framework
- react alternative
- web development
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Scaffold modern frontend web apps or web pages with/out a static site generator, Grunt and/or Webpack. Use modern frameworks like Bourbon, Bootstrap or Foundation and structure your JavaScript with ES Harmony support.
- yeoman-generator
- app
- mangony
- veams
- react
- jquery
- veams-components
- veams-generator
- websites
- homepage
- webpack
- static page apps
- singl page apps
- web apps
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A feature-rich utility kit for building RiotJS apps
- web apps
- boilerplate
- ui kit
- state manager
- observer
- event emitter
- localization
- localStorage
- sessionStorage
- app storage
- utilities
- fetch
- axios
- xhr requests
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The Ultimate Foundation Package with both FoundationApps and Foundation Sites Included
A nifty tool for fetching metadata from W3C Web-App Manifests.
- manifest
- manifests
- fetch-manifest
- fetchmanifest
- fetch-manifests
- fetchmanifests
- fetch
- manifest-parser
- manifestparser
- manifest-parse
- manifestparse
- parse-manifest
- parsemanifest
- parse-manifests
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Webpack loader for parsing and importing templates.
- infuse
- template
- templating
- engine
- template engine
- template-engine
- custom elements
- custom-elements
- customized built-in elements
- custom tags
- custom-tags
- web components
- web-components
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Make reliable, accessible, and fast web sites/apps for everyone.