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Video.js component for Vue
Video.js component for Vue
Video Player
Play your own videos in background responsively
- vue 3
- vue3
- vue
- background
- video background player
- vue-responsive-videobg
- vue-video-player
- vue video player
- video player
- vue player
- vue video
- resolution switcher
- tesla
PRESTOplay Video Player
- html5 video player
- html5 video
- html5 video thumbnail
- video player with thumbnails
- castlabs player
- prestoplay player
- prestoplay
- dash player
- hls player
- mpeg dash player
- hls html5
- HTML5 player
- video player
hls.js player component for Vue3
- vue 3
- vue3
- vue
- vue3-video-play
- hlsjs
- hls.js
- vue video player
- vue3 video player
- video player video
- video player
- vue player
- vue video
A NativeScript plugin that uses the native video players to play local and remote videos.
A simple and easy to use react component for playing an hls live stream
NativeScript plugin that uses the ExoPlayer video player on Android and AVPlayerViewController on iOS to play local and remote videos.
A React hook for video.js
Video.js component for React
PRESTOplay for React Native
- react native player
- video player
- ios video
- android video
- video player with thumbnails
- castlabs player
- prestoplay player
- prestoplay
- dash player
- hls player
- mpeg dash player
Plyr player as Webix view
A JavaScript library containing core web video streamer functionality for embedding live-video streams on a website. Part of StormStreaming Suite.
- stormstreaming
- web
- video
- player
- video player
- storm library
- web player
- live video
- low-latency
- live streaming
- webrtc
video.js component for React
A HTML5 video player for Vue.js
change the default style of the video player
React HTML5 video providing functionality for marking and selecting frames, jumping back and forth between frames based on the fps.
- react
- video
- marker
- markers
- html5
- react video player
- Next frame
- Last frame
- Video frame
- Video frames
- react video player extended
- html video player
- fps based video player
- video player
A JavaScript library containing core web video player functionality for embedding live-video streams on a website. Part of StormStreaming Suite.
a video player react component base plyr and flv.js