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Provides a method to compute a moving arithmetic mean incrementally.
- compute
- computation
- statistics
- stats
- mathematics
- math
- average
- avg
- mean
- arithmetic mean
- moving mean
- moving average
- sliding window
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Sliding pagination component
Compute a moving arithmetic mean incrementally.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- mathematics
- math
- average
- avg
- mean
- arithmetic mean
- central tendency
- incremental
- accumulator
- moving mean
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Compute a moving sum incrementally.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- mathematics
- math
- sum
- total
- incremental
- accumulator
- moving sum
- sliding window
- sliding
- window
Compute a moving corrected sample standard deviation incrementally.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- mathematics
- math
- variance
- sample
- sample variance
- stdev
- standard
- deviation
- corrected
- dispersion
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Compute a moving maximum incrementally.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- mathematics
- math
- maximum
- max
- extreme
- extent
- range
- incremental
- accumulator
- moving max
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Compute a moving sample Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient incrementally.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- mathematics
- math
- covariance
- sample covariance
- variance
- unbiased
- var
- correlation
- corr
- pcorr
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implements rate limit with sliding window
Compute a moving range incrementally.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- mathematics
- math
- maximum
- max
- minimum
- min
- range
- dispersion
- variance
- domain
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Compute a moving minimum incrementally.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- mathematics
- math
- minimum
- min
- extreme
- extent
- range
- incremental
- accumulator
- moving min
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Compute a moving mid-range incrementally.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- mathematics
- math
- maximum
- max
- minimum
- min
- mid
- range
- mid-range
- mid-extreme
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Compute a moving sum of squared absolute values incrementally.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- mathematics
- math
- sum
- total
- incremental
- accumulator
- moving sum
- sliding window
- sliding
- window
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Compute a moving arithmetic mean of absolute values incrementally.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- mathematics
- math
- average
- avg
- mean
- arithmetic mean
- central tendency
- incremental
- accumulator
- moving mean
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Compute a moving maximum absolute value incrementally.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- mathematics
- math
- maximum
- max
- absolute
- abs
- magnitude
- extreme
- extent
- range
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Compute a moving product incrementally.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- mathematics
- math
- product
- prod
- incremental
- accumulator
- moving prod
- moving product
- sliding window
- sliding
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Compute a moving sum of absolute values incrementally.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- mathematics
- math
- sum
- total
- incremental
- accumulator
- moving sum
- sliding window
- sliding
- window
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Compute a moving minimum and maximum incrementally.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- mathematics
- math
- maximum
- max
- minimum
- min
- dispersion
- variance
- range
- extent
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Compute a moving minimum absolute value incrementally.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- mathematics
- math
- minimum
- min
- absolute
- abs
- magnitude
- extreme
- extent
- range
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Compute a moving sample Pearson product-moment correlation distance incrementally.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- mathematics
- math
- correlation
- corr
- coefficient
- pcorr
- pcorrdist
- pearson
- product-moment
- distance
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Compute a moving arithmetic mean of squared absolute values incrementally.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- mathematics
- math
- average
- avg
- mean
- incremental
- accumulator
- moving mean
- moving average
- sliding window
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