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The text surrounded by the component will be truncated. Anything surrounded by the component could be evaluated as text. The component react-show-more-text/ShowMoreText is fork of react-show-more/ShowMore, applied improvements, works with React 16.x.x, ad
- react
- show more
- ellipsis
- multiline
- show more text
- show partial text
- hide partial text
- show-more fix
- show text
- hide text
React component for truncating multi-line spans and adding an ellipsis
gt scaffold for npm packages
React.js hook to detect if text will clamp in X number of lines
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A small & simple svelte component to render text dynamically using `read more` or `show more` & `read less` or `show less` (similar) labels
abstract-ui is a customizable ui component library for react based applications with full typescript support based on tailwind css and shadcn ui components...
- react
- nextjs
- component library
- shadcn-ui
- tailwindcss
- typescript
- login form
- signup form
- copy content
- expandable textarea
- filter dropdonw
- theme switcher
- image input
- show more
The text surrounded by the component will be truncated. Anything surrounded by the component could be evaluated as text. The component react-show-more-text/ShowMoreText is fork of react-show-more/ShowMore, applied improvements, works with React 16.x.x, ad
- react
- show more
- ellipsis
- multiline
- show more text
- show partial text
- hide partial text
- show-more fix
- show text
- hide text
Cool collapsed-container for angular.
TextExpander is a React component designed to manage long blocks of text that might need to be truncated for display purposes. With TextExpander, developers can easily set a limit on the number of characters initially displayed, providing a clean, condens
- react
- next.js
- show more
- show partial text
- show-more fix
- multiline
- show text
- hide text
- show more text
- text
- expander
- truncate
- ellipsis
- show-more
- View more
react read more or less text or chips with delete
- react
- text
- chips
- show more
- show less
- ellipsis
- read more
- read less
- chips delete
- chips show more
- chips show less
A lightweight library for making tabbed interfaces responsive by hiding overflow tabs while keeping the active tab visible.
- tabs
- responsive
- responsive tabs
- more button
- show more
- view more
- js
- javascript
- user-interface
- web
- overflow
- active tab
- tab management
- horizontal tabs
- View more
React component for truncating multi-line spans and adding an ellipsis
The text surrounded by the component will be truncated. Anything surrounded by the component could be evaluated as text. The component react-show-more-text/ShowMoreText is fork of react-show-more/ShowMore, applied improvements, works with React 16.x.x, ad
- react
- show more
- ellipsis
- multiline
- show more text
- show partial text
- hide partial text
- show-more fix
- show text
- hide text
gt scaffold for npm packages
Showmoreless-ngx is a Angular 2+ NPM package which is used for show or hide long text.
- showmoreless
- showmoreless-ngx
- ngx
- angular 8 npm
- show
- more
- less
- ngx showmoreless
- showmoreless ngx
- angular
- show more
The text surrounded by the component will be truncated. Anything surrounded by the component could be evaluated as text. The component react-show-more-text/ShowMoreText is fork of react-show-more/ShowMore, applied improvements, works with React 16.x.x, ad
- react
- show more
- ellipsis
- multiline
- show more text
- show partial text
- hide partial text
- show-more fix
- show text
- hide text
The text surrounded by the component will be truncated. Anything surrounded by the component could be evaluated as text. The component react-show-more-text/ShowMoreText is fork of react-show-more/ShowMore, applied improvements, works with React 16.x.x, ad
- react
- show more
- ellipsis
- multiline
- show more text
- show partial text
- hide partial text
- show-more fix
- show text
- hide text
The text surrounded by the component will be truncated. Anything surrounded by the component could be evaluated as text. The component react-show-more-text/ShowMoreText is fork of react-show-more/ShowMore, applied improvements, works with React 16.x.x, ad
- react
- show more
- ellipsis
- multiline
- show more text
- show partial text
- hide partial text
- show-more fix
- show text
- hide text
Fork of react-show-more-text that fixes splitting of long text into multiple lines.
- react
- show more
- ellipsis
- multiline
- show more text
- show partial text
- hide partial text
- show-more fix
- show text
- hide text