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108 packages found
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☯️ React hook to determine if you're on the server or browser
- ssr
- nextjs
- server
- server side rendering
- server side
- client
- browser
- isomorphic
- react
- react-hook
- hooks
- react hooks
🔥 React hook for maintaining correct values, in a clean way
- ssr
- nextjs
- server
- server side rendering
- server side
- client
- browser
- isomorphic
- react
- react-hook
- hooks
- react hooks
This plugin helps you to forbid DOM globals within the react server side rendering. - it doesn't support yet React classes - it supports react hooks and custom hooks - it requires some naming conventions to identify other functions where globals may be a
Simple, accessible routing for Svelte
- svelte-navigator
- svelte
- router
- routing
- navigate
- navigator
- spa
- declarative routing
- hooks
- a11y
- accessibility
- ssr
- server side rendering
- typescript
Server side rendering middleware for react-relay-network-modern
Dynamic page title & meta tags utility for Angular (w/server-side rendering)
A set of fallback for @ng-web-apis/common for Angular Universal
Angular Universal PWA boilerplate for serverless environment.
- schematics
- angular
- serverless
- server side rendering
- pwa
- progressive web app
- lambda
- amazon web services
- google cloud functions
Adds Angular Universal support for any Angular CLI project
- schematics
- angular
- serverless
- server side rendering
- pwa
- progressive web app
- lambda
- amazon web services
- google cloud functions
- firebase
Angular Universal PWA boilerplate for serverless environment.
- schematics
- angular
- serverless
- server side rendering
- pwa
- progressive web app
- lambda
- amazon web services
- google cloud functions
- firebase
The Full Stack Universal Typescript Framework
- universal
- universal javascript
- universal typescript
- isomorphic
- isomorphic javascript
- isomorphic typescript
- framework
- typescript
- javascript
- ts
- web components
- widgets
- backend
- sigle page
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Extension for @angular/pwa - adds server-side rendering fixes and update mechanism
- schematics
- angular
- serverless
- server side rendering
- pwa
- progressive web app
- lambda
- amazon web services
- google cloud functions
- firebase
Set your Angular site's metadata: standard meta tags, Open Graph, Twitter Cards, JSON-LD structured data and more. Supports SSR (and Angular Universal). Use a service. Use routes' data. Set it up in a flash! 🚀
- angular
- angular2
- meta
- metadata
- tags
- open graph
- twitter cards
- json ld
- json-ld
- structured data
- router
- route
- server side rendering
- ssr
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Lightweight steel to forge PWAs. (Minimal Frontend Framework with server side rendering and other capabilities)
- valyrian.js
- valyrianjs
- valyrian
- ui
- framework
- virtual dom
- vdom
- hyperscript
- front-end
- server side rendering
- ssr
- progressive web app
- pwa
- jsx
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Add Firebug lite to your Angular project.
- schematics
- angular
- serverless
- server side rendering
- pwa
- progressive web app
- lambda
- amazon web services
- google cloud functions
- firebase
Generate structured data for google from react
Server Side Rendering helpers for Rest Hooks
- ssr
- server side rendering
- universal
- suspense
- nextjs
- query
- mutation
- fetch
- data
- cache
- subscription
- model
- typescript
- data fetching
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A JavaScript framework for building UI, almost like writing in VanillaJS.
- front-end
- html
- dom
- javascript
- framework
- ui
- virtual dom
- v-dom
- component
- plugin
- mixin
- proxy
- hooks
- pre-render
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A command line tool to prerender Angular Apps.
Express and jsdom-powered server / CLI being used by the Bolt Design System for experimentally pre-rendering web components