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react-redux-toastr is a React toastr message implemented with Redux
- React.js
- React
- Redux
- react
- redux toastr
- react-redux-toastr
- react-component
- toastr
- alert
- toast
- message
- popup
- react toastr
- react redux toastr
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A callable react confirm alert box
Creates a toast dialog which allows you to confirm or reject the execution of a function
- react
- react-toast
- react-component
- react component
- notifications
- toast
- modal
- popup
- dialog
- alert
- confirm
- react confirm
- react confirm toast
- react modal
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dialog callable component
- react dialog
- react confirm
- react alert
- redux confirm dialog
- confirm alert react js
- react-confirm
- react-dialog
- confirm-dialog
- react-confirm-pro
- confirm
- dialog
- react
- alert
- js alert
mendeley-notifications is a React toastr message implemented with Redux
- React.js
- React
- Redux
- react
- redux toastr
- react-redux-toastr
- react-component
- toastr
- alert
- toast
- message
- popup
- react toastr
- react redux toastr
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A simple react material confirmation alert library
- react confirm
- material confirm
- react confirm alert
- react confirm dialog
- react alert
- material alert
- react-confirm-alert
- material-cofirm-alert
A React library to handle alert and confirm without components
- react
- react-handle-alert
- react-alert
- react alert
- react-confirm
- react confirm
- react handle alert
- alert
- confirm
- dialog
slope-test-react-redux-toastr is a React toastr message implemented with Redux
- React.js
- React
- Redux
- react
- redux toastr
- react-redux-toastr
- react-component
- toastr
- alert
- toast
- message
- popup
- react toastr
- react redux toastr
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A React confrim modal with multiple theme in place of javaScript inbuilt window.confirm
react-redux-toastr is a React toastr message implemented with Redux
- React.js
- React
- Redux
- react
- redux toastr
- react-redux-toastr
- react-component
- toastr
- alert
- toast
- message
- popup
- react toastr
- react redux toastr
- View more
react-redux-mendeley is a React toastr message implemented with Redux
- React.js
- React
- Redux
- react
- redux toastr
- react-redux-toastr
- react-component
- toastr
- alert
- toast
- message
- popup
- react toastr
- react redux toastr
- View more
react-redux-toastr is a React toastr message implemented with Redux
- React.js
- React
- Redux
- react
- redux toastr
- react-redux-toastr
- react-component
- toastr
- alert
- toast
- message
- popup
- react toastr
- react redux toastr
- View more
react-redux-toastr is a React toastr message implemented with Redux
- React.js
- React
- Redux
- react
- redux toastr
- react-redux-toastr
- react-component
- toastr
- alert
- toast
- message
- popup
- react toastr
- react redux toastr
- View more
react-redux-toastr is a React toastr message implemented with Redux
- React.js
- React
- Redux
- react
- redux toastr
- react-redux-toastr
- react-component
- toastr
- alert
- toast
- message
- popup
- react toastr
- react redux toastr
- View more
react-redux-toastr is a React toastr message implemented with Redux
- React.js
- React
- Redux
- react
- redux toastr
- react-redux-toastr
- react-component
- toastr
- alert
- toast
- message
- popup
- react toastr
- react redux toastr
- View more
react-redux-toastr is a React toastr message implemented with Redux
- React.js
- React
- Redux
- react
- redux toastr
- react-redux-toastr
- react-component
- toastr
- alert
- toast
- message
- popup
- react toastr
- react redux toastr
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react-redux-toastr fork that uses .tsx file extensions.
- React.js
- React
- Redux
- react
- redux toastr
- react-redux-toastr
- react-component
- toastr
- alert
- toast
- message
- popup
- react toastr
- react redux toastr
- View more