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A plugin for building offline-first Elysia applications with seamless client-server data synchronization using Dexie.js.
Create Content, Get a Highly Optimized Website
A friendly siege weapon to get 2-way communication through tough firewalls and bad mobile networks
Build your Contentz website for production
Delay the execution of a function until the browser is back online
Developer Advocate and Software Engineer for Hire (opinions and views are my own)
- Microservices
- Prototyping
- CouchDB
- PouchDB
- benthos
- devops-ish
- offline first
- NodeJS
- TypeScript
- speaker
- hackathons
- Developer Advocate
- Developer Relations
leveldb airplane mode with manual replication
Initialize a new Contentz website
Offline states, storage and other tools for Vue.js apps and Progressive Web Apps
Realm by MongoDB is an offline-first mobile database: an alternative to SQLite and key-value stores
- database
- db
- storage
- react
- react-native
- persistence
- local storage
- localstorage
- sqlite
- async storage
- asyncstorage
- rocksdb
- leveldb
- realm
- View more
Write a new Contentz article
Generate social images for Contentz
Adds offline first approach support to brunch.
Utility functions for Contentz
Adds workbox support to brunch.
Developer Advocate with IBM (opinions and views are my own)
- CouchDB
- PouchDB
- offline first
- Node.js
- Domain-Driven Design
- author
- speaker
- Developer Advocate
- Developer Relations
Application Cache Support for Hoodie
IndexedDB Suit for handling migrations and data models