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remark plugin to support retext
JavaScript client for Speechly Streaming API
- client
- voice
- speech
- slu
- spoken language understanding
- speechly
- asr
- nlp
- natural language processing
- nlu
- natural language understanding
- natural language
- vui
- voice ui
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Make your app understand language. Summarize conversations, categorize articles, and more.
- nlp
- language
- natural language processing
- oneai
- one ai
- ai
- one
- natural language understanding
- natural language
- text
- text processing
- text classification
- text analysis
- language ai
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Polyfill for the Speech Recognition API using Speechly
- client
- voice
- speech
- slu
- spoken language understanding
- speechly
- asr
- nlp
- natural language processing
- nlu
- natural language understanding
- natural language
- vui
- voice ui
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React client for Speechly Streaming API
- react
- reactjs
- client
- voice
- speech
- slu
- spoken language understanding
- speechly
- asr
- nlp
- natural language processing
- nlu
- natural language understanding
- natural language
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tools for generative natural language
Alan Web SDK: a lightweight JavaScript library for adding a voice experience to your website or web application
- alan sdk web
- voice ai
- conversational ai
- chatbot
- voice
- ai
- conversational
- nlp
- natural language
- dialogs
- dialog flow
- enterprise ai
- voice assistant
- voice development
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LDA topic modeling for node.js.
- lda
- Latent Dirichlet allocation
- Latent Dirichlet
- Dirichlet
- machine learning
- ml
- artificial intelligence
- natural language processing
- natural language
- topic model
- topic modeling
- topic modelling
- nlp
- topics
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A Natural Language Date Description Processor
A natural language parser for dates, times and intervals.
A small, accessible datepicker Web Component with natural language date input.
- datepicker
- calendar
- accessibility
- wai-aria
- web component
- inclusive design
- vanilla-js
- natural language
- chrono.js
Alan Voice Cordova plugin
- voice ai
- conversational ai
- chatbot
- voice
- ai
- conversational
- nlp
- natural language
- dialogs
- dialog flow
- enterprise ai
- voice assistant
- voice development
- add voice to your app
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Recipe parsing tools
React Native Firebase - Firebase ML Kit brings the power of machine learning vision to your React Native application, supporting both Android & iOS.
- react
- react-native
- firebase
- mlkit
- machine learning
- text recognition
- landmark recognition
- image labeler
- face detector
- barcode
- label
- natural language
- nlp
- vision
A Natural Language Date Description Processor
A simple natural language processor for node javascript.
tools for generative natural language
React Native Firebase - Firebase ML Kit brings the power of machine learning to your React Native application, supporting both Android & iOS.
- react
- react-native
- firebase
- mlkit
- identify language
- smart replies
- machine learning
- barcode
- label
- natural language
- nlp
- vision
A natural language model and cross-language model, for natural language understanding and generation
Run AI prediction functions in your JavaScript and Node.js apps.
- machine learning
- ml
- deep learning
- computer vision
- vision
- natural language
- nlp
- opencv
- tensorflow
- pytorch
- onnx
- ai
- artificial intelligence
- llm
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