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imockit client integration kit. Intercept APIs & get mocked responses. Integrate imockit SDK with your codebase in seconds
- mock
- api
- mock api
- simulate api
- mock server
- mock multiple responses
- api response
- visitor prioritization
- throttle api
mockServer for web
A flexibile mock server allowing validation based automatic resolving as well as manual resolving through interceptions.
CLI tool to start up a ms-mock mock server for REST API.
inject api mock server to development server
mock 服务器, 开箱即用,无需重启,自动代理远程服务、提供静态web服务入口、零接入成本 扫描接口的数据生成到本地 json转js js转json 代理
fetch integration for mockyeah request mocking utility.
- assert
- assertion
- bdd
- cli
- express
- expect
- expectation
- fixture
- http
- integration
- jest
- mocha
- mock
- mock integration
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> 1. Vue-cli3添加模拟数据的插件 > 2. 可通过在mock文件夹下写静态数据 > 3. 也可通过编程是方式使用Mockjs生成假数据
Program interface to start up a ms-mock server for mocking REST API.
VSCode extension: configurable generation of mock data files for OData services
raml mock server
Configurable data generator for OData metadata
json-schema api-doc mock-server
mockforme client integration kit. Intercept APIs & get mock responses. Integrate mockforme SDK with your codebase in seconds
- mock
- api
- mock api
- simulate api
- mock server
- mock multiple responses
- api response
- visitor prioritization
- throttle api
- mockforme
- mock for me
Mock HTTP Server + In-memory ORM/DB for Ember.js. Fastboot compliant MemServer bindings for Ember-cli. Built for large frontend teams, fast tests and rapid prototyping
Simple mock server that can be used in front end development. Instead of creating json files you can just publish TypeScript objects as json
'real mock' webserver with dynamically configured routes (though node or restfull-ish API)
Mock Server with vite plugin
OpenAPI code generation for mock API servers