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Work with tables and matricies in fluent fashion within javascript.
Database agnostic, type-safe, and syntax-friendly ORM for Node.js users.
MSSQL (SQL Server) adapter for the Kinship ORM using the NodeJS mssql library.
Get typed nested object for knex.js
Adapter testing suite for custom adapters built for the Kinship ORM.
Provides an easy way to interact with a database by creating contexts connected to tables in your databases.
- mysql
- context
- typescript
- table
- query
- queries
- insert
- update
- database
- delete
- truncate
- left join
- include
- relationships
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MySQL adapter for the Kinship ORM using the NodeJS mysql2 library.
A js library for performing SQL like queries on arrays of objects.
- sql
- select
- object
- arrays of objects
- query
- database
- db
- table
- groupby
- aggregate
- join
- inner join
- outer join
- left join
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A lightweight Promise-based Query generator to be used with node-mysql-helper.
Adapter for MyORM that works for MySQL databases.
Adapter for MyORM that works for JavaScript objects.
Tests for custom adapters made for MyORM
Plugin that converts existing MyORM contexts into GraphQL endpoints.