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Compress images in the browser
A Vite plugin to optimize your image assets using Sharp.js and SVGO
Uppy plugin that compresses images before upload, saving up to 60% in size
Automates ImageOptim, ImageAlpha, and JPEGmini for Mac to make batch optimisation of images part of your automated build process.
- advpng
- compress
- compress images
- gifsicle
- image compression
- image optimisation
- imagealpha
- imagemin
- imageoptim
- images
- jpegmini
- jpegoptim
- jpegtran
- optimise images
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Minify size your images. Image compression with extension: jpg/jpeg, svg, png, gif.
- image-compress
- compress images
- images compress
- img
- minifier
- image mini
- picture
- photo
- minify image
- image minify
- image
- compression
- image compression
- compression image
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To resize or compress image file by weight and height. Image compression with extension: jpg/jpeg, svg, png, gif.
- font-end image compress
- fontend image compress
- ui image compress
- image-compress
- image-resize
- compress images
- images compress
- img
- minifier
- image mini
- picture
- photo
- minify image
- image minify
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Cloudimage Responsive will smartly resize, compress and accelerate images across the World in your site for all devices. The plugin supports lazy loading technique with fancy animation on image load.
- react
- image
- images
- cloudimage
- responsive images
- lazy loading
- web acceleration
- image management
- image resizing
- image compression
- image optimization
- image CDN
- webp
- jpeg xr
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React library for the selection, edition and compression of images in png, jpeg and webp formats.
- react
- image picker
- image upload
- image editor
- image filters
- image compression
- image
- compress image
- cropping images
Cloudimage Responsive will smartly resize, compress and accelerate images across the World in your site for all devices. The plugin supports lazy loading technique with fancy animation on image load.
- image
- images
- cloudimage
- responsive images
- lazy loading
- web acceleration
- image management
- image resizing
- image compression
- image optimization
- image CDN
- webp
- jpeg xr
- jpg optimization
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An optimized image component for Next.js
- nextjs
- react
- image
- image optimization
- nextjs image
- responsive images
- image resizing
- aspect ratio
- device sizing
- custom breakpoints
- dynamic images
- image lazy loading
- image quality
- webp format
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To resize or compress image file by weight and height. Image compression with extension: jpg/jpeg, svg, png, gif. This is a fork of, but with an added feature of proportional resize.
- font-end image compress
- fontend image compress
- ui image compress
- image-compress
- image-resize
- compress images
- images compress
- img
- minifier
- image mini
- picture
- photo
- minify image
- image minify
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Angular library for the selection, edition and compression of images in png, jpeg and webp formats.
- angular
- image picker
- image upload
- image editor
- image filters
- image compression
- image
- compress image
- cropping images
Compress images in the browser
A Vite plugin to optimize your image assets using Sharp.js and SVGO
Compress images in the browser
Minomax is a versatile and powerful optimization tool designed to elevate the performance of your web projects. Whether you're a developer focused on improving load times or a business committed to delivering a seamless user experience, Minomax provides t
- web optimization
- image compression
- video compression
- web performance
- responsive design
- seo
- ci/cd
- npm package
- automated optimization
- command line tool
- web development
- file compression
- dynamic content delivery
- fast load times
Cloudimage Responsive will smartly resize, compress and accelerate images across the World in your site for all devices. The plugin supports lazy loading technique with blur hash placeholder.
- vue
- image
- images
- cloudimage
- responsive images
- lazy loading
- web acceleration
- image management
- image resizing
- image compression
- image optimization
- image CDN
- webp
- jpeg xr
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Cloudimage Responsive will smartly resize, compress and accelerate images across the World in your site for all devices. The plugin supports lazy loading technique with fancy animation on image load.
- next
- react
- image
- images
- cloudimage
- responsive images
- lazy loading
- web acceleration
- image management
- image resizing
- image compression
- image optimization
- image CDN
- webp
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Cloudimage Responsive will smartly resize, compress and accelerate images across the World in your site for all devices. The plugin supports lazy loading technique with fancy animation on image load.
- angular
- image
- images
- cloudimage
- responsive images
- lazy loading
- web acceleration
- image management
- image resizing
- image compression
- image optimization
- image CDN
- webp
- jpeg xr
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Cloudimage Responsive will smartly resize, compress and accelerate images across the World in your site for all devices. The plugin supports lazy loading technique with blur hash placeholder.
- vue
- image
- images
- cloudimage
- responsive images
- lazy loading
- web acceleration
- image management
- image resizing
- image compression
- image optimization
- image CDN
- webp
- jpeg xr
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