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Conway's game of life
A super powerful Typescript library for cellular automation.
- cellular automata
- game of life
- highlife
- brians-brain
- wireworld
- wolfram
- rule-30
- rule-90
- rule-110
- rule-184
- conway
- pixel
- game
- life
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Collections of cellular automata patterns
General-purpose discrete-event simulator for agent-based modelling and simulation
- discrete
- event
- simulator
- multiagent
- multi-agent
- discrete-event-simulation
- simulation
- abms
- agent
- modelling and simulation
- agent-based modelling and simulation
- intelligent agent
- agent-modelling
- flocking
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Parser for Life (S/B), Generations (S/B/C), Vote for Life, Wolfram, Cyclic (R/T/C/N), LUKY and NLUKY cellular automata rule formats, as well as extended Life and Generations rule formats designed for 3D cellular automata.
Cellular automata runner, in arbirtrary dimensions.
Game of Life with support for arbitrary world rules
React hook to easily create a Game of Life
Parses Life Lexicon to JSON
Conway's Game of Life
Hashlife algorithm for Conway's Game of Life.
conway's game of life with a small bit of interactivity. an observer can click on a square to "infect" it (turn its living color to red). then, whenever that cell is live, it will "infect" its living neighbors
GOL(game of life) done in distributed manner
Game of Life solver
A package to spice up your loaders using Conway's Game of Life
Generate Cellular Automata based on customized rules
Browserify module of Conway's Game of Life passing only an array, size and steps, returns array with marked objects
A moderately performant engine for Conway's Game of Life
Game of Life pattern repository
An easy to use custom react hook implementation gives anyone the power to hook on to the game of life.
- game of life
- react
- react-profiles
- use game of life
- game of life hooks
- react hooks game
- react hooks game of life
- game of life react hooks
- conway
- conway's game of life
- conways game of life
- conways game