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JS client for facesdk web service
Facial Authentication for the Web
- facial authentication
- Biometric authentication
- face recognition
- passwordless authentication
- face identification
- face biometrics
<h1 align="center"> <br> <a href=""><img src="" alt="BioPass ID" width="200"></a> <br>
- face
- capture
- face capture
- face recognition
- face verification
- face identification
- face detection
- face positioning
- camera
- sdk
- photo
- component
- javascript
- react
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BioPass ID Face React Native module.
- react-native
- ios
- android
- face
- capture
- face capture
- face recognition
- face verification
- face identification
- face detection
- camera
- sdk
- photo
- biometric
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A library for implementing multiples security measures in a nodejs application
- two-auth
- 2auth
- auth
- 0auth
- security
- security-toolkit
- security pack
- auth duas etapas
- two factor authentication
- segurança
- multi-factor authentication
- mfa
- 2fa
- two-step verification
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Provides a node-red node for Facial Detection & Facial Recognition.
- node-red
- facial recognition
- face recognition
- face
- facial
- face detector
- face detection
- biometrics
- face-api
- tensorflow
- tensorflowJS
- ID
DigitalPersona Authentication API
- DigitalPersona
- authentication
- identification
- password
- fingerprints
- card
- smartcard
- proximity card
- contactless card
- face recognition
- face
- u2f
- fido
- pin
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DigitalPersona Enrollment API
- DigitalPersona
- enrollment
- password
- fingerprints
- card
- smartcard
- proximity card
- contactless card
- face recognition
- face
- u2f
- fido
- pin
- push notifications
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face-id is an npm package that enables user authentication through facial recognition using the camera of a laptop or mobile device. Designed for easy integration into your applications, this package provides a secure and convenient solution for user regi
- face recognition
- facial recognition
- face login
- facial login
- face authentication
- facial authentication
- face auth
- facial auth
- face ID
- facial ID
- camera login
- camera authentication
- secure login
- user authentication
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light-weight library for face recognition including features such as eyes, nose and mouth.
Provides a node-red node for Human Detection & Human Recognition.
- node-red
- facial recognition
- face recognition
- face
- facial
- face detector
- face detection
- biometrics
- face-api
- tensorflow
- tensorflowJS
- human recognition
- human detector
- human detection
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A Dikript's Angular SDK for live face recognition and liveness checks.
Cordova plugin: image filter
- ecosystem:cordova
- cordova-ios
- image filter
- face detection
- face recognition
- cordova image filter
- cordova face detection
- cordova face recognition
Face recognition for Node JS.
FRProject aims to make Facial Recognition easy for education purposes.
The Crosswalk Project Extension for Face Tracking and Recognition
light-weight library for face recognition including features such as eyes, nose and mouth. and make image
JavaScript API for face detection and face recognition with tensorflow.js