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`express-fileforge` is a file upload utility for Express.js that simplifies file handling. It provides a convenient way to save files to the server and manage file storage paths. This package is designed to be easy to use and integrate seamlessly with you
- express js
- file
- upload
- download
- storage
- transfer
- file manager
- cloud
- filesystem
- file handling
- data exchange
- attachment
- document
- file service
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A opensource package for node to convert html to pdf
Check if the current request is json, express js, next js, any node js server side code.
authentication and authorization
It will help to check whether the user is logged in or not in your express js application.
- nodejs
- expressjs
- express js
- authentication
- nodejs-modules
- authentication-guards
- expressjs-middleware
- authentication-guard
- express-auth-guard
This package makes using Nodemailer to send emails more easy.
MongoDB query operators helper
- MongoDB
- mongodb
- mongo
- db
- query
- operations
- mongodb query operations
- react
- express
- express js
- js
- next
- next js
- server
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This generator will create a front-end development environment using Express, Coffeescript, and Stylus with Fluidity. It will create a base app and file structure. Using the 'grunt dev' task you'll have features like live-reload on both the client-side and server-side changes to view files and coffee-hinting throughout the entire app. Using the 'grunt build' task will concat/compress/minify/lint/hint client-side js/css and dynamically generate documentation using docco and a generated styleguide with styldocco.
- yeoman-generator
- generator-fluidity
- fluidity
- stylus
- front-end development
- express js
- coffeescript
- live-reload
Rest Api build with TS on top of the Express JS with inversify js and singleton classes
- ts
- typescript
- express js
- javascript
- js
- inversify js
- singleton
- dependency injections
- di
- api
- microservices
- orm
- sequelize
SaveIt is a package that allows you to save files in a static folder (or anywhere else). Many Node.js frameworks have their own way of handling files (fastify, multer). SaveIt has the ability to consider it. The package has two functions (save and delete)
- node.js
- express.js
- file saving
- file save
- save file
- saving file
- fastify
- nodejs
- node js
- express js
- express
- patterns
- pattern
Firestore query operators helper
- firebase
- firestor
- query
- operations
- firestore query operations
- react
- express
- express js
- js
- next
- next js
- server
- node
- node js
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SaveIt is a package that allows you to save files in a static folder (or anywhere else). Many Node.js frameworks have their own way of handling files (fastify, multer). SaveIt has the ability to consider it. The package has two functions (save and delete)
- node.js
- express.js
- file saving
- file save
- save file
- saving file
- fastify
- nodejs
- node js
- express js
- express
- patterns
- pattern
This package provides a boilerplate structure for Node.js projects using Express and Mongoose.
CLI tool to generate Express.js app and boilerplates for rest api.
Using this package you can extract any website metadata by passing their url
Simple and efficient global errors handler that handle errors of development and production , you don't worry about leaking informations in the production
- error handling
- error handler
- node error handler
- express error handler
- mongoose error handler
- jwt error handle
- node js
- express js
A simple package to help you route your express application in an elegant manner
Template backend api with express
Template backend api with express
Get motivational or funny quotes
- get_good_quotes
- motivational quotes
- motivation
- quotes
- next js
- node js
- metadata
- React js
- vue js
- Typescript
- express js
- Adonis js
- Svelte
- Nuxt js