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Lightweight analytics library for tracking events, page views, & identifying users. Works with any third party analytics provider via an extendable plugin system.
- analytics
- analytics-project
- metrics
- telemetry
- tracking
- event tracking
- page tracking
- user tracking
- custom events
- stats
- statistics
- monitoring
- pageviews
Analytics hooks for React
Vendor-agnostic web analytics for AngularJS applications
- angular
- analytics
- tracking
- google analytics
- google tag manager
- woopra
- splunk
- piwik
- page tracking
- event tracking
- scroll tracking
- inspectlet
Event tracking with RudderStack in your Gatsby frontend.
Piwik plugin for Angulartics
Directive for the easier use of the Maxpanel service event tracking
Universal event tracking API wrapper
The best solution for event tracking in React applications.
a wrapper to access piwik inside your angular 2 app
Vendor-agnostic web analytics for Angular2 applications, based on angulartics2
- angular4
- angular5
- angularx
- ng4
- ng5
- ngx
- angular
- analytics
- tracking
- google analytics
- google tag manager
- woopra
- splunk
- piwik
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A debugging tool for React applications to track and visualize state and event data
Easy Ngx Google Analytics Angular Module
Web3Analytic's typescript package for on-chain and off-chain event tracking
- frontend analytics
- segment
- event tracking
- web3analytic sdk
- on-chain analytics
- web3 marketing
- in-dapp notifications
A basic event tracking library that provides maximum flexibility and complete event definition
GTM Google event Tracking Management System
- angular2
- ng2
- angular
- analytics
- tracking
- google analytics
- google tag manager
- woopra
- splunk
- piwik
- page tracking
- event tracking
- inspectlet
- hubspot
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Vendor-agnostic web analytics for Angular2 applications
- angular2
- ng2
- angular
- analytics
- tracking
- google analytics
- google tag manager
- woopra
- splunk
- piwik
- page tracking
- event tracking
- inspectlet
- hubspot
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Semust-js event tracking.
The best solution for event tracking in React applications.
Vendor-agnostic web analytics for AngularJS applications
- angular
- analytics
- tracking
- google analytics
- google tag manager
- mixpanel
- kissmetrics
- chartbeat
- woopra
- splunk
- flurry
- piwik
- adobe analytics
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An event tracking library for web browsers