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A set of rules based on the System Reference Document of OGL version Dungeons and Dragons 5e.
Generates RPG friendly, fantasy themed content, such as names, NPCs, magic items, and more
- dungeons and dragons
- dnd
- dnd5e
- rpg
- ttrpg
- table-top-role-playing
- procgen
- procedural generation
- rpg-tool
- dnd-tool
``` npm i dnd_api_helper ``` This module sends several requests to an [dnd5e api]( The reason this module exists is to provide a simplified interface for developers to interact with chosen parts of the mentioned api.
A library to include several solo rpg systems and oracles to use to build bigger software to play solo rpg sessions
A collection of utilities for playing several popular TTRPGs - powered by randsum-ts
- blades in the dark
- bitd
- 5e
- d&d 5e
- dungeons and dragons
- salvage union rpg
- mech rpg
- root rpg
- root
- dice
- d20
- dice roller
- rpg dice roller
- roll
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An open-source library of Dungeons and Dragons data, providing easy access to backgrounds, classes, monsters, items, spells and species. Perfect for developers building D&D tools, apps or integrations.
A drop-in react component for creating dice, with a robust information set to allow easy use.
Dungeon & Dragons 5e spells as a node module
A library for building table top role playing game worlds, and managing campaigns in those worlds
- ttrpg
- table top roleplaying game
- roleplaying
- dungeons and dragons
- coriolis
- pathfinder
- call of cthulhu
- blades in the dark
Class for representing a date in the Calendar of Harptos
- calendar
- calendar of harptos
- d&d
- dalereckoning
- day
- days
- date
- dnd
- dr
- dragon
- dragons
- dungeon
- dungeons
- dungeons & dragons
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Yeoman generator for DMBinder campaigns and components
- yeoman-generator
- generator
- dnd
- homebrewery
- markdown
- 5e
- pathfinder
- rpg
- dungeons and dragons
- DM
- dungeon master
- campaign
- dmbinder
A dice notation parser and evaluator.
A comprehensive list of the names of the years
- alaundo
- alaundo the seer
- augathra
- augathra the mad
- calendar
- calendar of harptos
- candlekeep
- d&d
- dalereckoning
- dnd
- dr
- dragon
- dragons
- dungeon
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A TUI app for managing D&D character sheets
Generate dnd-human-readable ids from lists of easy-to-spell nouns and adjectives
Assign players to TTRPG tables based on tiers and required/ forbidden people combinations