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Ignite UI for Angular is a dependency-free Angular toolkit for building modern web apps
- angular
- UI components
- accordion
- autocomplete
- avatar
- badge
- banner
- bottom nav
- button
- button group
- calendar
- card
- carousel
- checkbox
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React UI Collection built upon React Storybook
- category banner
- breadcrumbs
- button
- button text
- cart
- cart summary
- category card
- checkout confirmation
- checkout delivery
- checkout finish
- checkout footer
- checkout payment
- color palette
- contact us
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some component build with ReactJs
"simple multi select and easy to use, built on styled components
itkitchen react-native ui lib
- react-native
- react
- native
- itkitchen
- ui
- lib
- switch
- animated
- header
- full
- list
- animated text input
- button
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ui lib for react-native
a simple drop down component
pull-up load more drop-down refresh on mobile, AND scroll load more on PC, React Compopnent
drop-down menu
Responsive custom dropdown made in react
An implementation of a dropdown in vanilla javascript
Simple, easy to use and small in size plugin. Based on pure Javascript.
- drop down
- drop-down
- Pure javascript
- javascript down-down
- no plugin needed
- easy to use
- Free for all
- user friendly
React drop down Component for npm
Ignite UI for Angular is a dependency-free Angular toolkit for building modern web apps
- angular
- angular6
- UI components
- grid
- data table
- tree grid
- tree table
- hierarchical grid
- hierarchical table
- combo
- drop down
- select
- auto complete
- autocomplete
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Dropdown suggest/autocomplete
Ignite UI for Angular is a dependency-free Angular toolkit for building modern web apps
- angular
- UI components
- accordion
- autocomplete
- avatar
- badge
- banner
- bottom nav
- button
- button group
- calendar
- card
- carousel
- checkbox
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util function to create simple drop down menus
## Download
🔊 a downshift powered dropdown library for react vr