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The easiest way to work with dates in JavaScript and TypeScript.
date validation
- validate date
- date
- date validation
- date format
- valid date
- validate date format
- invalid date
- invalid format
- invalid date format
Format dates nicely
Formatting of date object,valid date string, timestamp into string and converting date object into timestamp
:-) date('Y-m-d', 1563148800000) - 这是一个Javascript模仿PHP日期时间格式化函数,使用方法和PHP非常类似,有丰富的模板字符,并在原来的基础上增强了一些模板字符。例如:中国的农历日期、用汉字来表示日期、十二生肖与星座。让转换日期时间更自由。 This is a Javascript mimicking PHP datetime formatting function. It is very similar to PHP, has rich template c
npm install ymd-hms
- yyyymmdd
- yyyy/mm/dd
- yyyy-mm-dd
- mmddyyyy
- mm/dd/yyyy
- mm-dd-yyyy
- ddmmyyyy
- dd/mm/yyyy
- dd-mm-yyyy
- hhmmss
- hhmm
- date format
- time format
- add days
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Easy function for returning date by template
hmmm .....
- date format
- check date
- isDate
- extract Date
- otp
- common function
- get cookie
- set cookie
- delete cookie
- delete all cookie
- export txt
- export csv
- base64ToBlob
- svgToFile
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ShowTimeAgo is a utility that provides a human-readable format of how long ago a date was with zero configuration.
Custom element that displays localized relative time (e.g. '4 days ago')
- relative date
- relative time
- time ago
- months a go
- days ago
- weeks ago
- years ago
- custom element
- web component
- date format
- time format
Watson utility framework
EasyDate is a Javascript extension for easy dates manipulations which is heavily inspired by Rails ActiveSupport::Duration class.
- EasyDate
- Easy Date
- Rails Date
- Javascript Date
- Rails like javascript date
- ruby date
- Format
- Javascript date format
- date format
simple date util
Mac / iOS style date formatting
[datejs gitHub链接]( ### datejs Api #### format >格式化时间,为最后链,如果不传指定格式为原对象返回。 > >YYYY 年 > >MM 月 > >DD 日 > >hh 小时 > >mm 分钟 > >ss 秒 > >SSS 毫秒 > ```javascript window.dateJs(new Date().getTime()).format('YYYY-M
A simple utility library for show datetime format written in TypeScript
The utility that makes your work with dates much easier
datetime to unix-time, datetime add, datetime diff, datetime formatter...
translate date format
Date Utilities for JavaScript.