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Simple module providing ISO-3166-1-alpha-2 country code to english country name lookup and reverse lookup
return emoji flag symbol for country code
Country list with dial code and flag
Country Code Select with Vue
Returns and ISO 3166-1 country code for any given latitude or longitude.
Get ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code for geographic coordinates.
- country
- countries
- get
- alpha-3
- alpha-2
- country code
- 3166
- maritime
- sea
- earth
- world
- administration
- area
- View more
Country and currency code in const Enum
Country Code Select with Vue
Search for Countries by ISO Codes
Get user location/ip-details/geo position/currency convert based on api or navigation
- react-ip-details
- ip
- location
- country
- city
- currency
- exchange
- code
- country code
- react-ip
- react-location
- location-currency
- ip-location
- ip-country
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Get your ip address and location with a single line of code, get location of a provided ip address
A react component for custom flag (country code) select.
Easy and Simple Country Data and Code Management solution🤷
Convert between 2-digit country codes and locations
A very usefull package for getting country name, country code, longitude, latitude. Get all cities of a country by country code.
light and fast module to convert iso country and languages codes into country names, there is no unnecessary stuff only the bare essentials
Country Dropdown with Vue
- vue
- telephone
- phone
- country
- vue-country-code
- phone code
- country code
- vue-country-code-select
- country select
- vue country select
This package lets you get information about your user's ip address.
Simple module providing ISO-3166-1-alpha-2 country code to english country name lookup and reverse lookup
Package for country code Selection