Search results
595 packages found
REST API Testing Tool for all levels in a Test Pyramid
A little library for asserting types and values, with zero dependencies.
- type
- types
- type-check
- type-checking
- duck-typing
- arguments
- parameters
- values
- data
- contract
- assert
- check
- verify
- safe
turf transform-scale module
JavaScript SDK to interact with Crossbell
Ironclad Clickwrap React SDK - SDK for easy Ironclad Clickwrap implementations leveraging the Ironclad JavaScript Library & API
[![License](]( ![node-current]( [![Package](
A simple TypeScript library providing type guards for the primitive types in JavaScript.
- type
- types
- type-check
- type-checks
- type-checking
- predicate
- predicates
- type-predicate
- type-predicates
- type-assert
- type-asserting
- type-assertion
- type-assertions
- type-guard
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Solidity contract visualisation tool.
- Unified Modeling Language
- Solidity
- Ethereum
- diagram
- class
- contract
- Blockchain
- storage
- flatten
- visual
- tool
- cli
🧬 The fastest parser in the entire JavaScript ecosystem with a focus on small bundle size and top-notch DX
- ReScript
- Schema
- Parser
- Serializer
- Encode
- Decode
- Validation
- Contract
- TypeScript
- Zod
- Valibot
- Ajv
- rescript-struct
A little library for asserting types and values, with zero dependencies. Follower for check-types (archived).
- type
- types
- type-check
- type-checking
- duck-typing
- arguments
- parameters
- values
- data
- contract
- assert
- check
- verify
- safe
Bitcoin Smart Contract Runtime
Lightweight utility for decoding function parameters and function output from Tron blockchain transactions.
- tron
- transaction
- smart
- contract
- abi
- function
- functions
- parameters
- params
- event
- events
- decoder
- decode
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Node wrapper for Specmatic
- contract
- testing
- specmatic
- contract driven development
- cdd
- openapi
- swagger
- asyncapi
- api
- mocking
- stubbing
- kafka
- jms
- redis
Fast and boilerplate-free precondition checks for javascript.
- contract
- precondition
- postcondition
- invariant
- offensive
- defensive
- programming
- duck-typing
- crash early
- fail fast
- readable
- boilerplate
- dsl
- browserify
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ERC-20 token ABI
A mapping of ethereum contract addresses to broadly accepted icons for those addresses.
pusakatest is an automation testing tool based on pactum using bdd (cucumber) style
erc1155 ABI
The WindingTree market protocol smart contracts and utilities
Dynamically render React form components from an OpenLaw template.