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async/await for node.js
- async/await
- async
- await
- yield
- control flow
- coroutine
- generator
- callback
- callback hell
- pyramid of doom
- fiber
- typescript
- coffeescript
- asynchronous
Sequential programming for node.js -and the browser-. End of callback hell - Original Wait.for, implemented using upcoming javascript/ES6-Harmony generators
Sequential programming for node.js, end of callback hell
- fiber
- fibers
- coroutine
- thread
- sync
- async
- parallel
- worker
- future
- promise
- wait
- Wait.for
- callback hell
- pyramid of doom
Pipeline logic flow for Swint
Simple JS async develpoment, easy error handling, chained results, declarative way.
non-blocking synchronization(nbs:) in nodejs
- non-blocking synchronization
- wrap
- wrap node-style async
- sync
- async
- callback hell
- domain
- fibers
- fiber
- coruntine
- co
Convert nested callback hell into serial procedural coding style, which is more readable, writable, and maintainable. Lightweight, Zero Dependency.
Pumpkin is a nodejs(or javascript) module for solving callback hell.
A solution to async flow control
fibers with resume()/wait() to achieve non-async async
helper for synchronize promise and callback and manage variables on Fiber Thread as ThreadLocal
- nodejs
- node
- fiber
- synchronize
- coroutines
- promise
- callback
- helper
- sync
- avoid callback
- callback hell
- fiber thread
- ThreadLocal
- Java ThreadLocal
Sequential programming for node.js, end of callback hell
- fiber
- fibers
- coroutine
- thread
- sync
- async
- parallel
- worker
- future
- promise
- wait
- callback hell
- pyramid of doom
nice function support for LiteScript. see:
Flattens an asynchronous call stack into a linear queue using a fluent interface.
helps removing callback hells, with simple undertandable code
Sequential programming for node.js, end of callback hell
Complement for wait.for-es6: Sequential programming for node.js -and the browser-. End of callback hell - Original Wait.for, implemented using upcoming javascript/ES6-Harmony generators
fibersync - Callbacks and promises simplification for Node.js with synchronized+asyncawait (by fibers, bluebird and lodash)
- async/await
- async
- await
- yield
- control flow
- coroutine
- generator
- callback
- callback hell
- pyramid of doom
- fiber
- typescript
- coffeescript
- asynchronous
A small library useful for splitting apart callbacks by their arguments.
async/await for node.js
- async/await
- async
- await
- yield
- control flow
- coroutine
- generator
- callback
- callback hell
- pyramid of doom
- fiber
- typescript
- coffeescript
- asynchronous