Search results
54 packages found
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Binary search insert values into sorted arrays with comparator functions
A tiny, blazing-fast time series collection library with zero dependencies (did I get that right?)
Method to prioritize a list with persistence
Show a "read more", "see more", "read less", "see less" inline with your text in React Native
Algorithms and data structures for your JavaScript and TypeScript projects 🧑💻
- algorithms
- data structures
- computer science
- cs
- singly linked list
- doubly linked list
- linked list
- stack
- queue
- graph
- binary tree
- binary search tree
- bst
- heap
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The utils package for react testing library
- algorithms
- data structures
- javascript
- typescript
- binary search
- bubble sort
- cocktail shaker sort
- comb sort
- gnome sort
- insertion sort
- merge sort
- quick sort
- selection sort
- queue
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Dichotomid helps you find the first free id of something, efficiently.
Structure tools (hereinafter referred to as **st**) - a common JavaScript data structures and associated processing procedures package ([package repository](
- struct-tools
- structure
- tools
- common tools
- standard tools
- iterable converter
- graph
- tree
- algorithms
- binary search
- duplicates search
- standard regexp
- isNumber
- number validators
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Binary Search for Numeric & Character Intervals; great for CSS-Unicode-Range-like tasks
![npm]( [![License](](LICENSE) [![Repository](](
- javascript
- typescript
- utilities
- tools
- data list
- Lunh algorithm
- payment card
- normalization
- sorting algorithms
- searching algorithms
- binary search
- breadth-first search
- depth-first search
- file hash
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Binary Search for JavaScript
Documentation app: [](
- algorithms
- data structures
- graph
- undirected graph
- directed graph
- breadth-first
- depth-first
- shortest path
- binary search tree
- randomized binary search tree
- dijkstra
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A package for algorithms
- algorithm
- sorting
- searching
- graph
- dynamic programming
- bubble sort
- merge sort
- binary search
- linear search
- breadth-first search
- bfs
- depth-first search
- dfs
- fibonacci
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Common tools (hereinafter referred to as **ct**) - a common JavaScript data structures and associated processing procedures package ([package repository](
- tools
- common tools
- standard tools
- iterable converter
- graph
- tree
- algorithms
- binary search
- duplicates search
- standard regexp
- isNumber
- number validators
- exponential format
- exponential
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Binary search for JavaScript done right.
a package which includes the common method of sequence list ( array ), such as shuffle, topk, draw, binarySearch.
a simple npm package that provides binary search functionality for a sorted array
![npm]( [![License](](LICENSE) [![Repository](]( ## R
- javascript
- typescript
- utilities
- tools
- validators
- masks
- formatting
- sorting algorithms
- searching algorithms
- Lunh algorithm
- payment card
- data list
- data normalization
- data sorting
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"This project contains searching functions"
Simple binary search alorithm for arrays