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17 packages found
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nact ⇒ node.js + actors = your services have never been so µ
Actor model for reactive and scalable applications.
nact-persistence-postgres ⇒ nact + postresql = your services have never been so persistent
nact-persistence-postgres-encrypted ⇒ nact + postresql + encryption = your services have never been so persistent and secure
- PostgreSQL
- persistence
- event sourcing
- actors
- actor-model
- akka
- non-blocking
- actor system
- erlang
- encryption
Actor model for reactive and scalable applications.
vue renderer materializer for the tarant framework
A reactive, universal JavaScript library for the Hive^io framework.
- actor
- actors
- actor model
- actor system
- event sourcing
- distributed-systems
- isomorphic
- message
- message passing
- non-blocking
- reactive
- universal
- BuckleScript
- Reason
- nact
- actors
- actor-model
- akka
- non-blocking
- actor system
- erlang
- event sourcing
- distributed-systems
local storage resolver and materializer for offline applications
let reason-nact = (node.js, reason, actors) ⇒ your µ services have never been so typed
- BuckleScript
- Reason
- nact
- actors
- actor-model
- akka
- non-blocking
- actor system
- erlang
- event sourcing
- distributed-systems
utils for the tarant library
nact-persistence-sqlite ⇒ nact + sqlite = your services have never been so persistent...and _fast!_
- SQLite
- better-sqlite3
- persistence
- event sourcing
- actors
- actor-model
- akka
- non-blocking
- actor system
- erlang
remote-sync client resolver and materializer for the tarant framework
nact-persistence-sqlite ⇒ nact + sqlite = your services have never been so persistent...and _fast!_
- SQLite
- better-sqlite3
- persistence
- event sourcing
- actors
- actor-model
- akka
- non-blocking
- actor system
- erlang
React Hook for the actor model library Tarant
react renderer materializer for the tarant framework