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Veramo Core Logic & Interfaces.
credential status aggregator for did-jwt
Key Manager plugin for Veramo
Resolve DID documents for ethereum addresses and public keys
- did:ethr
- DID document
- resolver
- Verifiable Credential
- W3C
- ethereum
- ethereumAddress
- blockchainAccountId
- registry
- EIP1056
- EcdsaSecp256k1RecoveryMethod2020
- EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019
Veramo plugin for working with W3C Verifiable Credentials & Presentations.
Message Handler plugin for Veramo
Helper methods for Veramo plugins
A DID resolver plugin for Veramo
Veramo DID discovery plugin
Veramo data storage plugin based on TypeORM database drivers
Veramo KMS implementation that provides Ed25519 and secp256k1 crypto
- Veramo
- Verifiable Credential
- veramo-plugin
- key database
- ES256K
- ES256K-R
- Ed25519
- Secp256k1
- Secp256r1
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Veramo DID manager plugin
Veramo ethr-did based identity controller plugin.
Veramo Core Logic & Interfaces.
Veramo plugin that can enable creation and control of did:key identifiers.
Veramo plugin for working with W3C JSON-LD Verifiable Credentials & Presentations.
- Veramo
- Verifiable Credential
- Data Integrity
- EcdsaSecp256k1RecoverySignature2020
- Ed25519Signature2018
- Ed25519Signature2020
- JsonWebSignature2020
- vc-ld-json
- veramo-plugin
Veramo message validator plugin for decoding and verifying JWT payloads.
A remote client plugin for Veramo. Call the methods of a remote agent locally