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VanJS. A minimalist React-like UI library based on vanilla JavaScript and DOM.
- Van
- Vanilla
- UI
- UI Framework
- React
- Reactive
- DOM Manipulation
- Zero-Dependency
- lightweight
- Ultra-lightweight
- Minimalist
hTWOo is a Fluent Design Framework purely in HTML and CSS
A collection of grab-n-go reusable UI components for VanJS
The official extension library for VanJS
Utility to convert MD or HTML text into VanJS code
hTWOo React is a ReactJS implementation of hTWOo Core which is a Fluent Design Framework purely in HTML and CSS
hTWOo Patterns to setup custom style guide
- hTWOo
- Atomic Design
- Office UI Framework
- UI Framework
- Design
- Patternlabs
- Style Guide
- Guide
- Fluent
- UI
- Fluent Design
- Fluent UI
- SharePoint Framework
Helper library to draw dependency graphs for VanJS State objects
vlack is a black-based UI toolkit for React.
UI Component Library
React UI Library
van_jsx. A jsx helper for VanJS
Create Beautiful UI. Effortlessly.
Icon set for Fluent Design implementations. hTWOo is a Fluent Design Framework purely in HTML and CSS - This libary provide all Fluent UI System Icons as SVG and SVG Symbol Sets
Utility to convert MD or HTML text into VanJS code
Componentes de UI do nimbo
React UI Library