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- Recently published ROS2 robot controller and video + telemetry streaming
- robotics
- robots
- ros2
- motor controller
- AI
- robot
- remote control
- teleop
- camera
- video
- stream
- Raspberry Pi
- Radxa
- LattePanda
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Nodes to shutdown or restart your Raspberry Pi.
Blynk library implementation for JavaScript (Node.js, Espruino)
SkyWay GateWay SDK(Unoficial) for Node.js
Implementation of the aREST API for the Raspberry Pi
Orange Pi GPIO. Digital input/output for most Pi computers
Control WS281X / NeoPixel LEDs from a Raspberry Pi using Node.js and TypeScript
Communicates with devices over I2C bus.
- I2C
- Adafruit STEMMA Soil Sensor
- ADS1015
- ADS1115
- BH1750
- BME280
- GY-US42
- HMC5883L
- INA219
- MCP23008
- MCP23017
- MCP4725
- PCF8574
- PCA9685
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Industrial Shields librpiplc bindings for Node-RED
An interface and base class for creating Johnny-Five IO plugins
A really small routing library targeting embedded systems.
[![PyPI](]( [![npm](]( [![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.
Tools for working with Blynk IoT Platform
Node wrapper for the OpenMAX library
Asynchronous NodeJS module for controlling oled devices on the Raspbery Pi (including the SSD1306 and SH1106 OLED screens)
Provide a nodejs interface for omxplayer (Raspberry Pi player). Support multiple file and loop.
A developer tool for working on lightweight remote systems.
thing-it Node Server
Node-RED nodes for Analog Devices' ADXL series FFT(Fast Fourier Transform) stream data parser
- node-red
- Vibration Sensor
- ADXL1001
- ADXL1002
- ADXL356
- EMQuest-VA
- Fast Fourier Transform
- Analog Devices
- Raspberry Pi
- ASUS TinkerBoard
JavaScript interface to the Honeywell HMC5883L 3-axis digital compass IC using i2c.