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Module which has common services and components which can be used on all projects.
- Angular
- Angular Universal
- Server-Side Rendering
- Platform Detection
- Local Storage
- Window Object
- Document Object
- Navigator Object
- Device Detection
- App Version Management
- Date Version Management
- Utility Service
- Core Service
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A wrapper around localforage adding experation times and cache invalidation methods
localStorage and sessionStorage for use in your Angular 2 applications.
- Angular 2
- Angular
- Angular 2 Session Storage
- Angular 2 Local Storage
- sessionStorage
- localStorage
- Angular 2 Storage
- Session Storage
- Local Storage
- TypeScript
- Component
- Components
- Scriptwerx
- swx
Extends the official `$persist` plugin to help you work with `localStorage` 📦
AmStorage is a simple framework for saving and loading information from *localStorage*.
Seznam IMA.js local-storage plugin
$localStorage service for use in your AngularJS applications.
- AngularJS
- Angular
- Angular Local Storage
- $localStorage
- Angular Storage
- Local Storage
- JavaScript
- Component
- Components
- Scriptwerx
- Genoveus
``` npm i @qsyjlib/storage pnpm add @qsyjlib/storage ```
This machinepack provides an easy-to-use key/value pair-based database using the HTML5 localStorage model.
A Vue plugin to deal with cookies/local/session storage.
The official Local Storage plugin for Lucid
Global Frontend Developer Utils - Created by Muthukumar D
- React
- React JS
- Angular JS
- Angular
- Vue JS
- Vue
- Next JS
- Cookie
- Local Storage
- Session Storage
- Currency Format
- Format Date
- Format Time
- Format Date with Time
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dynamic-storage is a wrapper around localStorage that simplifies manipulations, such as state update, dynamic state, JSON, parsing and working with objects/arrays.
Created by Muthukumar D
- Cookie
- Local Storage
- Session Storage
- Currency Format
- Format Date
- Format Time
- Format Date with Time
- Return Object Values based on Position upto Fifth Degree
- Api Calls using Axios
- JSON Parse
- JSON Stringify
- Reload
- Reload with Url
- Capitalize Text
Tab System with LocalStorage
This package will help you to set local storage items with a time stamp and retrieve them by checking how many hours ago it was set.
Provides a service to manage the Local and Session Storage from the WebStorage API
Virtual Storage (node) for those who do not have access to localStorage like Dialogflow
A high-performance, TypeScript-based JSON database with advanced caching and backup features, optimized for Bun runtime.
Lite and efficient Node.JS LocalStorage implementation