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A collection of cross-browser utilities to go along with JSZip.
Webpack plugin to ensure the output results are valid in the specified ES version
Split CSS files suitable for IE
A module to detect the IE browser version, returns false for non IE browsers
- detect IE
- browser version
- test for IE
- broswer-version
- IEversion
- IE version
- detectie
- browser
- IE
- Edge
- Internet Explorer
A polyfill to make Cross Browser Support much easier!
- browser
- polyfill
- js
- javascript
- cross-browser
- cross-browser-compatibility
- Internet Explorer
- IE
- ES6
- Babel
- Transpile
- append ie
- closest ie
- getBoundingClientRect
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ES5 script to put up a full-page message that IE is not supported.
Ironically-named bundle of useful polyfills for Internet Explorer 8-9
- IE8
- IE9
- IE
- Internet Explorer
- polyfill
- defineProperty
- addEventListener
- removeEventListener
- classList
- DOMTokenList
- childElementCount
- firstElementChild
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Warn users about IE on GoC web apps.
Split CSS files suitable for IE
Finds Internet Explorer on your system
Drag and Drop for Angular2 and beyond! (IE compatible)
JavaScript Detection for Mobile Devices, Internet Explorer, Browser UserAgents and Language.
Drag and Drop for Angular2 and beyond! (IE compatible)
no Internet Explorer