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Bootstrap 4 theme, fields and widgets for react-jsonschema-form
Angular JSON Schema Form builder using Bootstrap 4 UI
- Angular
- ng
- Angular14
- Angular 14
- ng14
- JSON Schema
- form
- forms
- form builder
- Bootstrap
- Bootstrap 4
- ajsf
- angular json schema form
A tree view component for Bootstrap 4 and Vue.js 2.x.
Bootstrap Borders Utilities
A free, beautiful and modern Vue.js UI kit based on the Shards UI kit.
- Shards
- Shards UI Kit
- Bootstrap
- Bootstrap 4
- Bootstrap Vue
- Web
- Components
- Directives
- UI Kit
- Free
- Vue
- VueJS
- Vue2
- WebComponents
- View more
An Angular data table, with pagination, sorting, expandable rows etc.
Angular JSON Schema Form builder using Bootstrap 4 UI
Bootstrap 4 module for Riba.js
- Bootstrap
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Bootstrap 4
- Twitter Bootstrap 4
- Art+Code Studio
- Riba
- Rivets
- tinybind
- TypeScript
- Browser
React Bootstrap Components
Bootstrap 4 theme, fields and widgets for react-jsonschema-form
A free, beautiful and modern Vue.js 3 UI kit based on the Shards UI kit.
- Shards
- Shards UI Kit
- Bootstrap
- Bootstrap 4
- Bootstrap Vue
- Web
- Components
- Directives
- UI Kit
- Free
- Vue
- VueJS
- Vue2
- WebComponents
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An Angular 4 data table, with pagination, sorting, expandable rows etc. Bootstrap 4 version.
Shows Bootstrap 4 Alerts as notifications, fixed above the content.
An Angular 4 data table, with pagination, sorting, expandable rows etc. Bootstrap 4 version.
BootstrapVue provides one of the most comprehensive implementations of Bootstrap 4 components and grid system for Vue.js and with extensive and automated WAI-ARIA accessibility markup.
- Bootstrap
- Bootstrap 4
- Bootstrap for Vue
- Web
- Components
- Directives
- Polymer
- Vue
- VueJS
- Vue2
- WebComponents
- jquery
- Popper.js
- View more
VueJs for toggle button.
O2System User Interface Framework
React Bootstrap 4 Simple Components
signin Is The Beautiful One Page signin Template for Bootstrap 4.
- signin
- signin-template
- signin page
- signin page Template
- Bootstrap 4 Template
- Bootstrap 4
- Bootstrap
- responsive
- theme
- template
- register
Porto - Two Column Portfolio Showcase Template For Bootstrap 4
- porto
- portfolio template
- two column template
- 2 column portfolio
- showcase template
- Bootstrap 4
- Theme
- Template
- Website
- Responsive