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One Time Password (HOTP/TOTP) library for Node.js, Deno, Bun and browsers
- otp
- hotp
- totp
- one time password
- 2fa
- 2 factor
- two factor
- two-factor
- 2step
- 2 step
- two step
- two-step
- auth
- authenticator
HMAC-based (HOTP) and Time-based (TOTP) One-Time Password library
A complete Authy client with support for TOTP, OneTouch, Phone Verification and Phone Intelligence APIs API lib for node.js
Welcome to the best and most comprehensive library for integrating payments like Apple Pay and Google Pay into your React Native app.
- react
- react-native
- apple-pay
- stripe
- braintree
- payments
- payment-request
- sca
- strong customer authentication
- 2 factor
- 2fa
- android
- ios
- payment intents
🕖 Typed library to work 2fa via Google Authenticator/Time-based TOTP/Hmac-based HOTP
- 2fa
- otp
- hotp
- topt
- google authenticator
- authenticator
- one time password
- one-time-password
- authentication
- 2 factor
- node
- browser
- frontend
- backend
Lightweight utility to generate a two-factor TOTP secret with QR code to be used by authenticators such as Google or Microsoft Authenticator.
Easy 2-Factor Integration For Node.js
- totp
- hotp
- otp
- authenticator
- one time password
- google authenticator
- authentication
- 2FA
- 2 factor
- node
- auth
- 2fa
- mfa
One Time Password (HOTP/TOTP) library for Node.js, Deno, Bun and browsers
- otp
- hotp
- totp
- one time password
- 2fa
- 2 factor
- two factor
- two-factor
- 2step
- 2 step
- two step
- two-step
- auth
- authenticator
Welcome to the best and most comprehensive library for integrating payments like Apple Pay and Google Pay into your React Native app.
- react
- react-native
- apple-pay
- stripe
- braintree
- payments
- payment-request
- sca
- strong customer authentication
- 2 factor
- 2fa
- android
- ios
- payment intents
An Authy client based on generators
Typescript TOTP implementation
Implement two-factor SMS authentication with the Twilio API in three lines of code.
- 2fa
- sms
- security
- auth
- 2-fa
- 2 factor
- two factor
- two-factor
- two
- two-factor-authentication
- factor
- authentication
- twilio
- two factor authentication
Welcome to the best and most comprehensive library for integrating payments like Apple Pay and Google Pay into your React Native app.
- react
- react-native
- apple-pay
- stripe
- braintree
- payments
- payment-request
- sca
- strong customer authentication
- 2 factor
- 2fa
- android
- ios
- payment intents
Welcome to the best and most comprehensive library for integrating payments like Apple Pay and Google Pay into your React Native app.
- react
- react-native
- apple-pay
- stripe
- braintree
- payments
- payment-request
- sca
- strong customer authentication
- 2 factor
- 2fa
- android
- ios
- payment intents
This is just a copy of origin react-native-payments library
- react
- react-native
- apple-pay
- stripe
- braintree
- payments
- payment-request
- sca
- strong customer authentication
- 2 factor
- 2fa
- android
- ios
- payment intents
This is just a copy of origin react-native-payments library
- react
- react-native
- apple-pay
- stripe
- braintree
- payments
- payment-request
- sca
- strong customer authentication
- 2 factor
- 2fa
- android
- ios
- payment intents
Command-line tool for OTP token generation and verification
- cli
- command-line
- otp
- totp
- hotp
- one time password
- google authenticator
- authenticator
- authentication
- 2FA
- 2 factor
- node
- browser API lib for node.js. Forked from evilpacket/node-authy by Docunify for customization purpose
This is just a copy of origin react-native-payments library
- react
- react-native
- apple-pay
- stripe
- braintree
- payments
- payment-request
- sca
- strong customer authentication
- 2 factor
- 2fa
- android
- ios
- payment intents