Search results
79 packages found
turf projection module
- turf
- projection
- to-mercator
- to-wgs84
- EPSG:4326
- WGS84
- mercator
- web-mercator
- EPSG:3857
- EPSG:3785
- 900913
- EPSG:900913
- EPSG:102113
Geospatial classes
geo4326 converts footprint of satellite to polygon of EPSG:4326.
A machine-readable index of all EPSG coordinate systems.
Functions for performing geographical position calculations using n-vectors
Proj4js wrapper for conversion between geospatial CRS (coordinate reference systems)
- webgl
- javascript
- math
- geospatial
- WGS84
- ellipsoid
- cartographic
- cartesian
- projection
- web mercator
- geographic
- proj4
- proj4js
Basic library for computing small distances between WGS84 coordinates using a flat earth approximation.
A simple library for converting between different coordinate systems.
This repository is based on react, it provide the function to get the current position with enhancing the shared-data that be across the components or more.
LatLng to UTM converter vice versa
Simple tile utilities for WGS84 / EPSG:4326
@besovideo/gps-convert desc
LatLng to UTM converter vice versa
Maidenhead grid locator and WGS84 coordinate calculation and transformation
A common coordinate systems conversion module!
Libraries of geodesy functions
- geodesy
- latitude
- longitude
- distance
- bearing
- destination
- haversine
- vincenty
- rhumb
- ellipsoid
- datum
- reference-frame
- vector
- View more
Geographic coordinate utilities using WGS84 datum