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An immutable game tree data type.
Seki – A modern javascript based Go board renderer and player, that is simple to use, extensible, compact and intuitive.
Data structures and utilities to represent the game of Go
A library for parsing SGF files.
A highly customizable, low-level Preact Goban component.
Simple Monte Carlo functions to determine dead stones on a Go board.
Improves readability of Go results by highlighting opponents of selected player
A Node.js module for handling GTP engines.
A Go board data type
This contains the built Go engine that is used by the Goban package. There are no display components in this package, only the logic for playing the game of Go, making it suitable for usage in node.js or other server-side environments.
Efficient Go Board Renderer Using Zero Assets
Simple static heuristics for estimating influence maps on Go positions.
Finds patterns & shapes in Go board arrangements and names moves.
Analyze SGF file by KataGo Parallel Analysis Engine to produce Reviewed SGF file
GPub: Create and publish go books with Glift!
Use smartgame objects created from SGF (Smart Game Format) files.
Parse SGF (Smart Game Format) files into JavaScript and back again.
React go board to render a godash Board
An implementation of the ancient Chinese board board Go (Chinese: wéiqí, Korean: baduk, Japanese: igo)