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GlueSQL is quite sticky, it attaches to anywhere
Cordova Websql Plugin
Ampersand.js, ampersand-sync hijack with localForage
- ampersand
- ampersand-offline-first
- indexeddb
- localforage
- localstorage
- offline
- offline-first
- rest
- storage
- sync
- websql
A local-first realtime NoSQL Database for JavaScript applications -
- db
- database
- offline-first
- local-first
- local first
- nosql
- no-sql
- jsonschema
- schema
- rxjs
- pwa
- progessive web app
- hybrid app
- localstorage
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ForerunnerDB core utilities for operating on JSON data.
- irrelon
- forerunnerdb
- forerunner
- database
- nosql
- mongodb
- javascript
- document
- store
- browser
- node
- data
- binding
- index
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Use Web SQL and Cordova SQLite with ES6 promises.
A same-origin storage(IndexedDB/WebSQL/localStorage) for cross-domain access
Encrypted SQLite database for the browser and Node.JS
Angular warehouse module to store data in browser store (indexedDB, localstorage, websql, localstorage, inmemory)
Offline storage from localforage fix bug with Chrome dev-tools devices
A local realtime NoSQL Database for JavaScript applications -
- db
- database
- offline-first
- local-first
- local first
- nosql
- no-sql
- jsonschema
- schema
- rxjs
- pwa
- progessive web app
- hybrid app
- localstorage
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SqlWeb allows you to use sql query for performing database operation in IndexedDB.
Frontend key-value(JSON to JSON) persisted storage library
Browser storage core
A cross-browser object store library
pouchdb service for feathers
An orm for both sqlite and websql usable in Angular 2+ and Ionic 2+. [Follow us On Github](
Replicator for `redux-replicate` designed to locally persist the state of `redux` stores using `localforage`.
Web SQL driver for BrowserStorage
Javascript ORM-like storage in SQLite (WebSQL or other), synced to the cloud