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Configuration for karma jasmine
Removes "use strict" from transpiled es6->es5 code
Fast JavaScript/TypeScript bundler in Rust with Rollup-compatible API.
Fast JavaScript/TypeScript bundler in Rust with Rollup-compatible API.
Fast JavaScript/TypeScript bundler in Rust with Rollup-compatible API.
React Weather component
A storybook addon to display component dependencies
Localize your Webpack bundle with multiple locales
Webpack plugin that makes the process return an error code on failure
Livereload for Webpack 5+
Bundle to single Lua file with content of bundle as big Lua table with next semantic: ``` { { is_entry: Boolean, body: String(content of file), mime: String(mime-type of file), mode: String('plain' or 'base64') } } ```
Easy communication between cross-origin browser tabs
Transform SVG inputs into many outputs, especially "HAST" "JSX" and "JS".
use modernizr with webpack easily
Configuration for your universal Javascript application
- configuration
- config
- conf
- env
- environment variables
- files
- universal
- node
- browser
- key
- value
- store
- broswerify
- webpack
Fast JavaScript/TypeScript bundler in Rust with Rollup-compatible API.
Js part of react_webpack_rails - webpack based React & Rails integration.
Loader module for webpack to execute your custom procedure. It works as your custom loader.
Webpack plugin to extract list of used translation keys from included modules.
Webpack loader that turns SVG files into importable components